Looking for an integrated tube amp under $2500

I’m in the market for either a used or new tube integrated amp to drive my Lawrence Audio Violin SE speakers which have an AMT tweeter. These speakers have a sensitivity of 88db and minimum impedance of 6.4 ohms. The amp should sound warm and smooth without any treble glare. The amp must be also reliable since my previous amp visited the repair shop 3 times in 4 years. I do prefer it come in black and must be 7" or less. I appreciate any recommendations.
If you like the KT77 tubes you might want to give some Electro Harmonix KT90 tubes, once you try them you will be hooked.
Hegel h100 or h200  or h300 from $1300 on up to around $2600. I had both the H100 and the H300, the H300 is in a different league but 2x more $$$
About 8 years ago I purchased a modified Jolida 502b for about $700 and subsequently modified it further to replace the 6550/KT88s with EL-34s. Sounds great and runs with less strain with the lower power tubes. I'd love to A-B it against a PrimaLuna or Conrad Johnson to see if there is much of a discernible difference (all electronics will sound different but of course I mean better) that would warrant an upgrade. Thanks.