Opinions and recommendations on active loudspeakers

May need to downsize soon and this seems to be the way to go. Just want to know if anyone thinks this is also the way to go. Also would like some thoughts on which models are worth looking into. Thanks Everyone!!!!!
I can see only one real advantage - you eliminate speaker cables from the chain. As for the best match for particular speakers - there is always a better match, including custom or customized amps. And it is hard if not completely impossible to deal with amps vibrating with speakers. This is a very flawed concept overall. The only kind of thing from pro audio world that is desirable is the source, when it is good, I mean. Audiophiles want sophisticated sound and generally are much more concerned with sound quality than pros. With some notable exceptions.
However, if the OP insists - just get top of the line ATC and call it a day.
Adam audio has active monitors of all sizes to fit virtually any budget. Very well regarded.
The crossovers and every wire in your speakers already "vibrate like hell" as does the amp and everything else in a powered subwoofer or speaker...however, no problemo, and powered speakers like ATCs and others (and every powered PA box hung over yer head at live events) have garnered praise from plenty with well tuned earballs. Kinda makes the Anti Vibration Industry look silly, don't it?. I've owned tube combo guitar amps (meaning the fragile little snowflake of a tube amp is in the box with the speaker...horrors!) that were unmodified from 75 years ago that sound sublime, and my 2 el cheapo used RELs also have been doing their job well for years in spite of a hellish nightmare of self induced vibration. 
If you want ATCs and are worried about built-in amps you can just order them with the remote amplifier option.  They also sell passive speakers and stand-alone amps, and some active models that come with remote amps standard.  
