Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Thanks audiolabyrinth,
contacted tara and they will reterminate for $60/side. Reasonable enough. So what are your initial impressions of the k300?
I love my Vanguard! Just upgraded the power cord to a Shunyata Delta NR. Very happy with my tweaks.
Great Thread!
Hi audiosaurusrex, The krell k300i seems to have better treble detail than the Luxman L-509X integrated amplifier,  the Luxman treble is at the back of the sound stage,  where the Krell seems to be on roll f , not to forward,  but rather natural,  how long did it take you to break in the vanguard?, I'm assuming 500 hrs could do it,  worked before on past krell amplifiers. 
500 hrs absolutely will do it...probably less.  I’m sticking with my Vanguard for now...perhaps if they release a 200w/ch version with Beefier Toroidal...but I am interested in your impressions.
 Hi dave_b, The krell k 300I continues to burn in,  currently,  uncanny clarity has emerged from the sound stage,  mid-range  sounds impressive,  bass sounds natural,  but I'm in hope's of it getting much more deeper,  at first,  their was an emphasis on the upper mid-range that seemed to be on the bright side, that seems to be settling down  now to sound natural,  at high volumes,  this amplifier runs hot, but not to hot, warmest little krell I've encountered,  does your vanguard do this?