Looking for phono preamp recommendations

Really need some feedback on phono preamps. I have a clearaudio innovation with Koetsu Black cart. This goes currently goes into a Manley Chinook. Other gear is Pass Labs preamp/amp, Wilson Yvette’s.

I don't feel the Manley is delivering the full soundstage for me. I looked and demo’d The ARC Ref 3, lots of $’s and thinking I can do better at a lower cost than the ARC Ref 3.

Looking forward to recommendations. .  
Thanks. How does the ARC Ref three do it? They have balanced outputs and so do others. 

Just curious. 
Not sure what you are asking. It has RCA inputs for phone and RCA or XLR outputs.
^   *phono
It looks like you won't pay for an ARC Ref3 phono and want balanced outputs. Not sure of any stand-alone phono only amps with balanced in and out. Which leaves you out of luck. I think you should very seriously consider @rodman99999 suggestion to roll the Chinook tubes. Call Kevin to discuss these.