Looking for phono preamp recommendations

Really need some feedback on phono preamps. I have a clearaudio innovation with Koetsu Black cart. This goes currently goes into a Manley Chinook. Other gear is Pass Labs preamp/amp, Wilson Yvette’s.

I don't feel the Manley is delivering the full soundstage for me. I looked and demo’d The ARC Ref 3, lots of $’s and thinking I can do better at a lower cost than the ARC Ref 3.

Looking forward to recommendations. .  
Your line section is balanced- were you thinking about a balanced phono section as well (all phono cartridges are balanced sources for what its worth)?
That's a bit tricky. A lot of preamp manufacturers haven't sorted out how to do the equalization properly in a balanced phono section, unless they are using an input transformer to convert to single-ended operation. So I've seen a few that made balanced phono sections and then later stopped.

We've been making balanced phono sections in our preamps now for 30 years, but we don't offer any that are outboard.