I'd like to upgrade my speaker wire

I am fairly new here and still learning.  I have a Yamaha R803 receiver and Vandersteen model 1s.  I'm happy with them for now but I'd like to upgrade my speaker wire. I presently have 14 gauge wire I bought years ago at Best Buy. I need 40 feet.  I've read great reviews about Back Cat but I think 40 feet may be a little pricey for me. I'd greatly appreciate any advice on a good quality wire at a reasonable cost. Maybe under $500?   BTW,  I bought Jim Smith's book as recommended here, great advice, thanks.   Doug
you can try these 2 types of speaker wire Krux Speaker Wire  Karma SS Speaker Kable or this company which makes some very good and reasonably priced cables  Why Maze Audio? Maze audio they make speaker cables, jumpers, power cables, and interconnects.
Millercarbon-you need to buy jim smiths book on how to get better sound. Jim states to never put your gear in the middle between the speakers, put your gear on the side. So depending on where the poster has his gear, you could have some long runs. Nobody has the right to state that somebody only needs an 8 foot speaker wire without knowing the whole reason.
Also, if it were me, I would use a long pair of balanced cables from my equipment rack to a pair of monoblocks or a stereo amp and run shorter length speaker wire.
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