Another new DAC: Audio Mirror

Just ran across this last night. Never heard of them before but
as a Minnesota company tweaked my curiosity.
Audio Mirror Tubadour III non-oversampling tube DAC. Sounds interesting.
If anyone runs across one and has a listen please post.
Website says to contact them so I suspect you e-mail them and provide your contact info.
Have about 24 hours on my maxed out AM 3 and I'm enjoying it immensely.As for my frame of reference and in my system of course, I preferred the Yaggy over the Border Patrol and now the AM3 over the Yaggy,Does it really get better with use?

Well done, Vlad

It improves over time for sure. Try a SR blue fuse in it improved mine significantly. 
Oh heck Yeah...the first 50hrs I was thinking about sending it VLAD...(yggy2 was still in the house)....The next 50,,,it was.. Alright!...after 120 hrs it was ,,HELL YEAH!!...give it time (after 250hrs it MAXED out) and sold the Yggy2 and have been enjoying one FINE ANAOLG sounding Dac ever since...Let us know you always with audio.....YMMV....Enjoy!!