Death of Rock 'n' Roll

Rolling Stones tour delayed due to Mick Jagger health condition
David Bowie
George Harrison
and no new ones at all

Rock\n\Roll's dead pretty much, but Jazz's still alive!
That's a great story, Schubert.  Was it something like the scene in "The Shawshank Redemption" in which Tim Robbins plays an opera record for the men in the prison courtyard?
Thank you bdp24 for the availability of current Country/Americana that I would enjoy listening to. There are some old performers locally in Ventura County that my friend Robert hears all the time. I like the mix of blues with country. I like rock mixed with country and/or blues as well (some great groups from the 70s and 80s did that).

The problem is that most millennials are overwhelmed/overwhelmingly favor yukky music and the good music is shoved aside. The live performances of musicians are where the money is rather than in studio recordings cheaply available on the internet.

schubert, after I met my wife, I was introduced to more modern rock from the 70s and 80s and enjoy much of it now (not so much heavy metal). From my 40s, I was introduced to modern jazz. So, my music tastes have evolved over time. It began with opera, classical, pre-1960s pop and ethnic music from childhood. I have a large collection of jazz now which makes listening frustrating as I have 42,000 LPs/78s/CDs. One day it’s one format, another day another but jumping from one music genre to another. I can’t hear it all.

When I listen to any J.S. Bach, it has to be the last thing I play; no one can follow him. For an epiphany. listen to his Concerto for 4 Harpsichords And Orchestra. The counterpoint is mind-blowing; merely hearing it raises one's consciousness. But his music serves a much higher purpose (the glorification of God and his Son) than does Rock ’n’ Roll. The two cannot be viewed in the same light.

Some Rockers have quit performing R & R for spiritual reasons, most notably of course Little Richard. Others have struggled with their conflicts between the Sacred and the Profane; Jerry Lee Lewis, who was captured on tape by Sun Records’ Sam Philips opining that Rock ’n Roll was indeed Satan’s music. Elvis’ first love was Gospel, which he listened to and performed at home.

bdp , exactly so . I don’t listen to rock for that reason and if I want something on the "earthy plane", after all we are human and can’t praise God 24/7/365,
I listen to jazz which is FAR better both on the musical plane alone and the skill and dedication of those who play it .
I also hated/hate rock for clearing the airwaves in a year of the "swing" / American Standard Songbook era which was the high-water mark in real musical appreciation among the American general population .

I’d go so far as to say that American Jazz is better overall than American composed classical , bring in the big guns from Europe and you have another story .

tosta , perhaps . I had lost several men and shooting
the "enemy" in such a bogus war also heavy on my mind . In short my defenses were low and I imagine that is also so in prison .
But I often wonder, since as I said , Armed Forces Radio NEVER played
classical , if what I heard was just for me alone which would qualify for a miracle . Not that I know that or claim that .

flesher, what I would advise my grandson in your situation is to stop listening to music at all for at least 6 months , better yet a year .Music is a gift for us to be happy on this vale of tears but with 48Ksounds like you may have taken it a bit far and a vacation might be in order .
The recordings ain’t going anywhere and you might get a different perspective on things .