bdp , exactly so . I don’t listen to rock for that reason and if I want something on the "earthy plane", after all we are human and can’t praise God 24/7/365,
I listen to jazz which is FAR better both on the musical plane alone and the skill and dedication of those who play it .
I also hated/hate rock for clearing the airwaves in a year of the "swing" / American Standard Songbook era which was the high-water mark in real musical appreciation among the American general population .
I’d go so far as to say that American Jazz is better overall than American composed classical , bring in the big guns from Europe and you have another story .
tosta , perhaps . I had lost several men and shooting
the "enemy" in such a bogus war also heavy on my mind . In short my defenses were low and I imagine that is also so in prison .
But I often wonder, since as I said , Armed Forces Radio NEVER played
classical , if what I heard was just for me alone which would qualify for a miracle . Not that I know that or claim that .
flesher, what I would advise my grandson in your situation is to stop listening to music at all for at least 6 months , better yet a year .Music is a gift for us to be happy on this vale of tears but with 48Ksounds like you may have taken it a bit far and a vacation might be in order .
The recordings ain’t going anywhere and you might get a different perspective on things .