Kii3 loudspeakers

Are there any stand mount loudspeakers that can compare or better these and why? Please list.
the dsp8000 has been around awhile and is another box full of plastic drivers that sounds pretty good. Dynaudio is another company that uses plastic drivers and a, gasp, soft dome tweeter that sounds really musical. I would like to hear what several different speakers all using different materials sound like after dsp so they all measure the same in a room just so we could hear what the different materials sounded like all else being equal.
Duke, I take it that you have heard the Dutch and Dutch 8c and you like what you hear. Are there any other stand mounts with dip and internal amps that you would care to comment on? 

And to all that added a comment or two THANK YOU!!!!!
"theres no reason i see that the kii is a better speaker than a speaker costing alot less. The kii cheats by using dsp to fix room problems.
It uses no berylium or diamond drivers or concrete cabinets. Its just another box with drivers in them like every other speaker. "

Dude, you are on a roll,  piling up the most consistent number of eye-rolling, head-scratching posts in this forum.

"Duke, I take it that you have heard the Dutch and Dutch 8c and you like what you hear. Are there any other stand mounts with dip and internal amps that you would care to comment on?"

I've not heard the Dutch & Dutch 8c but based on my understanding of speaker design, it does an awful lot of things right.  I believe it to be an extremely intelligent design.

Since it's aimed at the studio market rather than the home audio market, you may be able to find a vendor who would let you try a pair with the understanding that you can return them if you don't like them.  My impression is that prosound dealers are more likely to be open to that sort of thing than home audio dealers generally are. 
