Best return for the money, system upgrade suggestions please.

I have managed to save some money that I do not intend to use to pay down student loans! I managed to save almost 2K and would like some advice as to where the money would be best spent. Here is my system below, thanks!

Amp - Integrated Krell Vanguard
Speakers - Sonus Faber Electa's
CDP - Cambridge AZURE 840C
SACD - Sony SCD C2000ES
DAC - Cambridge DacMagic Plus with BT dongle
Tuner - Luxman T117
Speaker Cable - Audioquest Type 4
IC's - Kimber Silver Streak throughout
Dedicated/Isolated 20 amp AC line with a PS Audio outlet
Yes, I have received that advice from many! However, just about all of the money I have earned or received as a gift has been either invested or used to pay down my loans, I would like to do something nice for myself. I am not necessarily looking to spend all of this savings, it's not burning a hole in my pocket, but maybe there is something out there for say, $200 I'm missing out on, that is why I am looking for some help.

I do thank you though for your thoughts.
Room acoustics, if you don't have that done, is your best place to start.

Otherwise your DAC.

The best one on your list is the dedicated AC line. But even then only if its DIY (otherwise, electrical, too expensive, poor value) and you're the homeowner AND you'll be there a while. 

Otherwise you want to look for things that will:
1. Be permanent. No obsolescence. Never wear out.
2. Be used your whole life regardless of equipment upgrades.
3. Actually be appreciated more and more as time goes by.

Everything on your list is a fail by these outstanding criteria.  

What does pass the test:
1. Pay down interest bearing debt.
2. Synergistic Research ECT and HFT.

There's a reason they're in that order. Don't be a slave to debt.
Pay down your debt! That's the number one thing you should always do with extra money. Later, you can spend on toys. Enjoy the system you have now.
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