Need DAC/Streaming Advice

I currently own a Bryston BDP-2 digital player that I run through a Bryston DAC.  As far as playing high resolution files via a thumb drive or other external drive, the BDP-2 sounds great.  The streaming part leaves a lot to be desired.  I can stream Tidal but it is extremely slow and the IPad controller is pretty lousy.  I can listen to Sonos through the DAC into my main system but obviously there is no hi-Rez via Sonos. I would like to find a better solution and am willing to start over (I can move the Bryston components to my secondary system).  What I would like to find is a higher end streamer for my main system that would allow me to stream Tidal, Spotify and Deezer if possible while also playing digital files via thumb drive etc. I have no idea if that can be done in a one box solution or if I would need a separate streamer and DAC.  I would very much appreciate any and all thoughts.  Thanks in advance.
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Uber, I don’t think a Vault is going to be big enough to hold his 6000 CD collection, unless he does MP3.  I think a NAS with a Node 2i will work better, especially since he can use the NAS with his Bryston.
  Today I couldn’t get a peep out of Bluesound.  The app showed all the players, but all Igot was silence.  After a few minutes I unplugged them all and then replugged them and all was well.
i wonder if people who have multiple Bluesound units are more prone to issues than single unit owners.  Any, the fun has definitely gone for me with this product.  I was supposed to have picked up the Bryston BDP3 today but it wasn’t worth trudging through a foot of snow in 50 below wind chill...

I bought the Node and am awaiting delivery.  I was asking about the 
Vault out of curiosity and thinking ahead. I have a couple of systems so if the Node worked great then I might buy a Vault as well.  I appreciate the advice on going the NAS route. I’ve got a bunch of thing running around my mind; just thinking through all of the options.

Good luck on the BDP. I have a feeling your experience will be much better. Please come back to the forum and let us know how it goes.  I very likely am missing some things I should be doing. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, I would still consider upgrading my BDP2 especially if your experience and others is positive. 

Congrats on the BDP3. Sorry about the cold!

Well, I can tell you that I had the same problem and probably worse because I own a BDP-1 which it significantly slower than the BDP-2. I was so frustrated when trying to stream from Tidal, when it worked the sound was fantastic but after a while it would freeze and would take forever to load the next song. All this changed for the better when I added ROON to the Bryston. Everything works great now and it is really quick. Yes, I do understand that this is another subscription on top of Tidal but it is a great option that would allow you to keep the Bryston which in my opinion is a fantastic player.

Hope this helps.
