who has experience with Joseph Audio?

just picked up some RM7si's and i'm really liking the sound... especially for the price, very warm yet detailed and resolving

what do you guys think about Joseph Audio?
Although I have limited exposure to Joseph speakers, I cannot recall reading anything bad about them....ever!
Very flat impedance curve; extremely easy to drive.

Great speakers.

No affiliation with Joseph.
I've owned the RM7si Sig for over 7 years, so I'm completely biased in their favor. I would love to move up the line, but don't really have the room for it.
Someday I'll get a chance to hear the Pearl's
I've got to be the lone dissent. I've heard them several times at hi-fi shows, so it was their setup. I have found them dull and uninvolving. Not neutral, but blah every time, especially in the mids and bass. I've always wondered why people like them so much. But that's just me...
Amazing how this stuff hits people so differently. I'm completely opposite of Seditious3, and it's B&Ws that strike me the way the Josephs sound to him. In fact, probably one of my top 5 show experiences was hearing Louis Armstrong from St. James Infirmary (on vinyl) through the Pearls. How anyone could've heard that and not been at least somewhat impressed is beyond me, but so it goes...

I've heard Josephs numerous times at dealers and shows, and it's one of those few speakers that always sound good to me. Natural yet detailed, large and spatious 3D soundstage, excellent ability to disappear in the room, etc. I don't own them, but when I upgrade they'll surely be on my list.