If you could only keep 5 record albums, what would they be?

I am looking at my collection this evening and trying to determine my favorites.  If I had to narrow it down to 5 it would be: Dan Fogelberg...The Netherlands; Roy Clark...Yesterday When I Was Young; James Taylor...Flag; Talking Heads...77; and last but not at all least, Commodores...Greatest Hits. All oldies but goodies that I still enjoy listening to as much as when I bought them many years ago.
Dire Straits - Dire Straits
Pink Floyd - Wish you were here 
Fleetwood Mac - Rumours (45rpm Pallas)
Pentangles - Open The Door
Bruce Springsteen - Nebraska 

How about from minute to minute hour to hour

1 Frederick Rzewski - Coming Together
2 Hazel and Alice - Hazel and Alice, on Rounder, 1973
3 Astor Piazzola - Zero Hour
4 Colin Walcott - Grazing Dreams
5 Giovanni Batista Pergolesi - Stabat Mater, the performance on Archiv Productions with Mirella Freni and Teresa Berganza
One thing I know for sure is I would pick double or three LP sets. Then I double or triple the listening pleasure.
Complete Works of Debussy (new DG version)
Beethoven String Quartets (Tackacs)
Coltrane Live at the Village Vanguard
Glen Gould Goldberg Variations (1955 version)
Bach Mass in B minor (2012 Herreweghe)
Traveling Wiburys - Vol. 1
Bob Dylan - Blood On The Tracks
U2 - Achtung Baby
Queen - The Works
Rolling Stones - Exile On Main Street