Sudden problem with turntable

I have a rega p5 with a ortofon black. it used to sound great. yesterday i put on a record and it sounded terrible, really muddy. My knowledge of turntables is very limited. Is it possible that i damaged the stylus? Any suggestions as to how i would determine what happened?
Thanks everyone who has replied. I was having some difficulty logging back into this account. I did use the brush to clean off the stylus but am going to try the magic eraser tomorrow. I have high hopes for this. Regarding the photo stage it is a black cube. 
You might also consider cleaning your records with a SpinClean -$60 on Amazon. Pick up a gallon of distilled water. It is an excellent product and simple to use. 
If the problem was really a stylus booger you should hear immediate improvement after a soft brushing.  Let us know if it removed the muddy sound.  I also use the magic eraser and SpinClean.
Before trying anything that will cost money... Did you try putting the same lp on that you listened to last? If so, it could be you're now listening to an inferior pressing?