Sudden problem with turntable

I have a rega p5 with a ortofon black. it used to sound great. yesterday i put on a record and it sounded terrible, really muddy. My knowledge of turntables is very limited. Is it possible that i damaged the stylus? Any suggestions as to how i would determine what happened?

Showing 7 responses by jkontuly

Thanks everyone who has replied. I was having some difficulty logging back into this account. I did use the brush to clean off the stylus but am going to try the magic eraser tomorrow. I have high hopes for this. Regarding the photo stage it is a black cube. 
I tried the magic eraser and that wasn’t it. I think I will need to check everything from scratch, including cartridge setup, platter level, ball bearing lubricant....Never done that before so it should be a good learning experience. The odd thing is it seemed to happen quickly went from sounding good to slightly slow or hollow. Just missing something and I can’t put my finger on it. Very annoying. 
Bpoletti I can take a look. I know the cartridge isn’t dragging but how would I tell if the suspension is sagging. I am ordering a digital stylus and jewelers loupe and have also downloaded a protractor   
It’s the same physical album I have listen to many times so unfortunately not the pressing. 
unfortunately no. I have been swamped at work. Hoping to try over break to fix myself, re-oil bearing, set-up cartridge etc...if that doesn't work I will take it to audio element in pasadena and see what they have to say. I think it would be a good learning experience to at least try...or dangerous..

So I thought I would update this thread. As it turns out the magic eraser did help solve the issue. I didn't think it did at first but when i got the jewelers loupe and looked closely it turns out that I didn't get all of the eraser off the stylus. Once I did that it was all good. Thanks everyone.