Which integrated amp for better musicality - Parasound Hint vs Primaluna vs ???

I've been having a blast looking up threads and doing some research but my dilemma is this - I want to get more enjoyment out of my music (don't we all). My Anthem and Oppo setup honestly sound great but I can't help but think that maybe I am missing out. I am thinking of upgrading some of my gear by either adding an integrated amp or separates. I'd love to hear some recommendations. Based on some reading, I am considering: 

1. Parasound Halo Integrated 6
2. Primaluna Dialogue Premium or Premium HP

My current setup is as follows: 

Oppo 105D
Anthem MRX 510 AVR
Ascend Acoustic Sierra RAAL Towers and Horizon Center

Any recommendations or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. 
Without a doubt, the Primaluna.  What stereo5 said. Parasound integrateds get you in the "value trap". At a certain point, that's not what you want / need anymore.

I suppose it's not a surprise that the overall vote is the Primaluna! I really would like to try it out and having heard such good things about Kevin Deal's customer service, I don't think I risk much with the Primaluna. 

With my setup including the Dialogue HP, do I need an additional DAC? Theoretically, I guess my Oppo can do that work if I am playing my Apple TV and bluray/SACD media through an optical cable?
Another theoretical question... what if the choice were between the Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP and a McIntosh MA5300 or a Naim XS 2? I heard the Naim XS 2 today and it was fantastic. 
rogue cronus magnum ii plus about $400 for NOS small signal tubes , fuggetaboutit.