Popular DAC that is known for its warm-ish sound?

Can anyone name a <popular> DAC that produces a "warm-ish" output? 

Just grasping at straws here.  Thanks!
Laid back IMO is a warm relaxed sound not to forward. There is more to it than simply the dac as tomic601 points out  but over the years I have had a couple of pieces with wolfson and they seemed to have that similar sound.
Cirrus Logic bought out Wolfson so I have no idea what their newer stuff in the last 3 or 4 years is like. Best to try and get a listen to as many as you can. 
"Laid back IMO is a warm relaxed sound not to forward. There is more to it than simply the dac as tomic601 points out but over the years I have had a couple of pieces with wolfson and they seemed to have that similar sound."

"Cirrus Logic bought out Wolfson so I have no idea what their newer stuff in the last 3 or 4 years is like. Best to try and get a listen to as many as you can." 

@djones51  -- OK, thanks.  Just wanted to be sure.  As @jriggy said, I guess the term "laid back" could be a bit ambiguous, but I guessed that you meant 'on the warmer sound.'  Thanks!!
Take a look at the Doge 8.  Full tube analog output stage like the Lampi but signnificantly lower price.  In fact, compared it at a friends house to his $15k Lampizator.  The Lampizator sounded more organic, but the Doge 7 (with NOS tubes) was pretty close.  And This comes from a warm vinyl tube guy.