EAT C-Sharp Turntable anyone owned or demoed it??

My local dealer just picked up the EAT turntables for sale. The C-Sharp runs about $4000 w/an $1000 MC Ortofon cart and a outboard speed controller included. How would you rate the EAT w/other 4K TT’s??
@luxmancl38 Are you able to bring your Linn to that demo?
IMO, you would be crazy to go from the Linn to the C- Sharp. Your current Linn has some great upgrade options. For instance, you could change out the tonearm to an Ekos ( which I would change before you change the cartridge), upgrade the power supply, add a Tramp 2, and like you said, change the cartridge. All ( or even one) of these changes would give you a much better sounding deck than the C-Sharp. IMO.
I don't think bringing the Linn to the demo is necessary. As I'll be using the same Luxman preamp and same Aerial speakers. I'll give this TT a test drive and see where it falls. Actually the biggest improvement I got from my Linn was when I sold my CJ ET3 SE and phono w/a Cinemag Blue SUT. The Luxman CL38U-SE and the internal tube phono were a big jump. After the demo I'll make a report.
I have the EAT C sharp and am certainly happy.  I wouldn’t recommend worrying about the cover.  I had one custom made by a guy in upstate NY, JMK displays for a bit under $100 and it’s perfect.  
That's an excellent price. Some of these TT companies charge $300 on up for a cover.