EAT C-Sharp Turntable anyone owned or demoed it??

My local dealer just picked up the EAT turntables for sale. The C-Sharp runs about $4000 w/an $1000 MC Ortofon cart and a outboard speed controller included. How would you rate the EAT w/other 4K TT’s??

Showing 3 responses by luxmancl38

I'm going to hear the C-Sharp later this week. We're going to hook it up to a pair of Aerial 5T's and the Luxman CL38U-se (both items I currently own.) I'm curious to hear how it sounds. Currently I have a 1986 Linn w/a cirkus upgrade, Ittok arm, Dynavector 20xl2 cart and a Lingo 3. I may be crazy but I'm curious how this TT performs. If a no go then maybe look for an upgrade on the cart. Dyanavector XX-2. Should match up w/my tonearm.
I don't think bringing the Linn to the demo is necessary. As I'll be using the same Luxman preamp and same Aerial speakers. I'll give this TT a test drive and see where it falls. Actually the biggest improvement I got from my Linn was when I sold my CJ ET3 SE and phono w/a Cinemag Blue SUT. The Luxman CL38U-SE and the internal tube phono were a big jump. After the demo I'll make a report.
That's an excellent price. Some of these TT companies charge $300 on up for a cover.