Krell iBias or Mark Levinson 533/535H series amplifiers with Aerial Acoustics Speakers?

I have been trying to read up as much as i can on both of these amplifier lines but it doesn't seem there are many who have heard them both.  I am currently powering Aerial Acoustics 7B and CC3B speakers ( hopefully upgrading to 7T speakers) and i was wondering what the synergy would be between these two amp lines.  Krell has the Chorus 5200 and 7200 and Levinson has the 535H.  There are also the 532H and 533H -vs- the Krell Duo 300i that can be considered as well.  

My system is primarily for HT with music listening as a secondary priority, but i still want it to blossom when i am just running the towers and enjoying my tunes.  What are your thoughts?  Thanks in advance!!

Years ago my dealer had a pair of Levinson Mono's w/a Levinson preamp and a Wadia CD player. Speakers were Aerial 10 T's. The music was Shirley Horn. To this day I can't forget how good the music was.
I really want to find a ML 533H or 535H but i can't locate one... I think the Aerial will need the current of the 533H over the 535H, but I am not sure...  We always want more power!!  lol
I used a Proceed HPA3 with my Aerial LR5’s and the combination was excellent. From what I’ve been told the HPA series was basically Levinson in a different case.

I now have an ATI signature that is equally as clear, open and dynamic. They really open up my Aerials polite top end.
HPA3 = High failure rates and no aid from paulie walnuts sterngold in caSE of issues.. I got raked over the coals and never got my amp5 fixed. the HPA3 is of the same dna.

Harman = Anti consumer when it comes to repair and from the schematics I have seen there were revisions. and known issues...

Cit 1.5 or prometheus would be my suggestion. (went from an amp5 to monoblocks)

Did you feel like you lost ANYTHING when switching to the ATI from the HPA's?  Midrange? Bass Slam?  Anything?

Note:  I am also looking at a Theta Dreadnaught II that is for sale right now too...  ;)

As I plan to eventually upgrade to the 7T Aerials, I want something that is compatible with both what i have now, and still transparent enough for the newer 7T's...