Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre?

I realise that the music industry seems to care less and less about timbre, see

But for me, without timbre music reproduction can be compared to food which lacks flavour or a modern movie with washed out colours. Occasionally interesting, but rarely engaging.

So my question is, what are your loudspeaker candidates if you are looking for a 'Technicolor' sound?

I know many use tube amps solely for this aim, but perhaps they are a subject deserving an entirely separate discussion.
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+1 @audiokinesis

Total agreement. 6 inch woofer is simply too big for the mid range. B&W and countless other speakers never sound completely natural for this very reason. To sound natural a speaker must have wide consistent dispersion across the full frequency range.

I also don’t like early reflections as it collapses the sound to the vicinity of the speakers and reduces the stereo image effect
Hi Duke I am enjoying this thread . In my room I have found the key to a rich sound is to get the bass response in the room correct . I use 4 subs in my room . I was using a set of Ohm Walsh 2000 Omni speakers for years and just changed my speakers to a pair of Klang & Ton NADA speakers from Madisound . The difference in clarity is night and day . I am able to take advantage of this speaker design as my setup is on the long wall and do not have a early reflection point on the side walls .I have a treated wall behind my listening position . Applying your gear to work in the room is the key to good sound .    
Total agreement. 6 inch woofer is simply too big for the mid range. B&W and countless other speakers never sound completely natural for this very reason.
Appraently you've never heard a BBC 8" - only ESLs can compete.

I don't know what speaker you are describing in your last response to me.  The Waveform monitor has a 5" woofer - both it and the Mach Solo measured quite well.