SME V tone arm advice

I’m the original owner of the SME V tone arm, Litz wire on a Oracle Delphi Mk II table. I would like to upgrade the table in the 3-4 K range. My question is might it be better to sell the arm and purchase a table arm combination such as VPI prime or keep the arm and add a table and maybe replace the phono cable? A new cartridge is up for grabs at this point, prefer high output.  Thanks everyone for your experienced opinions. 
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I have a Sme IV with Ortofon Mc3000mk2 and Gyrodec full up-graded for 30 years.

SME series 309 - IV - V and Gyrodec like some other models of different brands (Denon DL 103 for example) resist for 30 years and beyond; there will be a reason!
Do not give in to the temptation of novelties!

Just pulled the trigger on a used GyroDec Mk V. Thanks to everyone for the perfect advice. Can’t wait! 

Well, you let me know when you are ready to off load that SME V arm.

I finally understand why some people have two arms mounted to their turntables. 


SME on Gyro is a classic combination. I used to run a IV on an Orbe. You should also look into the Pedersen mods