Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
"The added toe-in has smoothed out the mid-upper treble range considerably, although at the expense of a slightly less dimensional soundstage"

Hmm, I've found that more direct exposure to the directional supertweeter brightens things up if needed but also collapses the soundstage width at least somewhat. Toe-in usually means less direct exposure and a bigger/wider soundstage in my case. Room acoustics have an impact on soundstage as well, so keep on tweaking until it sounds just right....
Amplifier Update:

Well, the Bel Canto S300 arrived last week, and it has been sitting on top of my component cabinet waiting for the Manley Shrimp to arrive. The Shrimp arrived last Friday, and when I open the box, it turned out that the volume knob had detached from the unit. Federal Express must've given it a pretty good whack somewhere in transit. Anyway, the seller is being extremely helpful and has offered to pay for a trip to our local stereo repair shop to reattach the volume knob and also make sure that no undetected, internal damage took place along the way. Anyway, hopefully, I will have the system up and running before the end of the week and I will report back...
Huh. I just got offered a vintage pair of Ohm F's, free of charge. For reasons of space, and the fact that as a military spouse I move very couple of years, I need to think about this before I take them.

I'll start an entirely new thread, and hopefully some of you Ohm-philes will assist me as I figure out what to do with them.

Best regards-

Parasound, if you can't take them, I sure would take them and fix them up! They are classics, and getting more difficult to find. They are pretty big but they sure would be a lot of fun though! Enjoy! Tim
Question: When does Porcupine Tree sound like Nirvana?

Answer: When heard over my system with Ohm Walsh 2000s!
;-) (details below)

Much has changed over the last few days. As I mentioned, I got a deal on a really nice DAC. Although for now the digital cable I am using is a budget model that I doubt is getting the most out of this DAC, it still has brought significant improvements to my system. I also upgraded my PS Audio Quintet with a PS Audio Jewel power cord.

Between these upgrades and more run-in time on the Ohms, my system has slightly less bass output but better bass definition and extension. This works out well, since the bass output from my CD player/DAC is now similar to the bass output level from my turntable, which is lighter on bass than my CD player without the new DAC. I can now leave my subwoofers dialed where they are, and get satisfying bass output from both sources.

My system now sounds better than it ever has. I am getting smooth, detailed sound with a wide and high soundstage, some good extension into the room, and more balanced soundstage left-to-right. Although, due to the room layout, the soundstage is still irregular, I am finally getting some extension into the room from the left channel, which lacks a full-length wall like the right wall. The highs are smooth and clean.

Listening to a new (for me) CD of PT, "Stars Die" (a double CD collection of older PT tracks) was extremely enjoyable. Holographic soundstage, deep, solid bass, clear vocals, and that spot-on timbre. Listening to the second CD of the set on Saturday was a real carnival ride!

Over the weekend, I heard a system including a decent preamp, CD player and $20,000 powered speakers. They could definitely play louder than my Ohms (although the 2000s are as loud as I could want them to be) and were very dynamic, but they didn't do a lot of things as well as the 2000s, like soundstage, overall smoothness, and fine detail retrieval. I had that s--- eating grin on my face as I listened to this system, thinking about how my $2800 speakers and $1500 amp outperformed this $20,000 powered speaker in almost every important way!

Is my system perfect? No. Will it ever be? Doubtful. I am hoping more burn-in will bring better dynamics, better transient definition and detail retrieval to the Walsh 2000s. I am also hoping that experimenting with positioning and adding bases will further improve the soundstage and imaging. But I am really enjoying the limited time I have to listen, and look forward to listening more.

Away from the Ohms, my PV-11 is acting up again, with some high frequency noises that come and go. Although the C-J folks are very nice, I can't help thinking they are selling me tubes that are not very good in the PV-11. I had purposely sent the PV-11 into C-J for a retube and checkup prior to ordering the Ohms, so that I would be good to go for the trial period. I am not going to interrupt the trial period by sending it back again. Maybe I'll look elsewhere for different tubes. I guess I should post on the preamp forum for ideas, but if any of you have suggestions, I am all ears.