MFSL worth it?

Asked on another forum but it crashed. Anyway, got an MFSL  Allman Bros lp, cheap, didn't notice it's SEALED! With some much needed help, found it's selling for $125 on discogs, unsealed mint $70+. I have a Me75ed with a Shure ej stylus. How much better is it than my vintage copy? Play it or trade?
My experience with MFSL goes back to the late 70's and thru the early 90's with their vinyl pressings including the original UHQR stuff.
I enjoyed the quiet surfaces and flat discs compared to commercial pressings but sometimes their EQ differed from the original...sometimes too bright sometimes just right. 
When they started producing CD's, I stopped buying them except for a few examples because they didn't sound "right".  They tweak the EQ to make the sound "better" with increased detail but most of the time I don't like the sound as good as the original pressing on vinyl.  Also, a lot of their choices in the Rock department are good Artists with lousy recordings in the first place so the MFSL treatment just makes the warts more apparent.

I'll buy their recordings if I know they sound better than a original or a remastering of an original which never seems to sound better IMHO.
Crime Of The Century is still the best MFSL I’ve heard. 
Sticky Fingers the worst. 
IMO, it is of concern that you are asking others for your determining opinion? I go with my ears/gut.
A few years ago, I sold my sealed MFSL records for $50 each, without regard for the title or artist. I probably made a mistake, but I had only paid $13.99 for each years earlier. The only exception was "Woodstock" (5 record set, not sealed), which brought me $200. They were all bought by a used record store.