Am I using the right speaker cables?

I am seeking some advice.

My system just does not sound like it has enough bass.

I am using:

Speakers Kef 207/2 

Pre amp: Gat Conrad Johnson

Amplifier: Conrad Johnson 350SA

Phono: Conrad Johnson TEA2 MAXHG

Turntable: Kuzma with EMT JSD P6 cartridge, turntable arm Kuzma point 4, 9'

Interconnects: Harmonic Technology Magic Link III

Power cables: Nordost red dawn on phono amp
                        Analysis Plus Pro power oval on Gat CJ
                        Analysis plus pro power oval on turntable power ac source (kumza)
                        CJ amp original cable 20 amp

Speaker cables: Nordost Frey 2 - 4 meters.

How do I get my system to sound a bit more bassier

+1 shadowcat2016! Speaker placement in a room is the most basic and vital aspect to obtaining optimum SQ!
I use Purecable  nano Cayenne ( the Netherlands): they are very pure in sound:natural high ,mid and low. Very inportent is the position of your speakers. Turn tem. 7-9 ° to the middle. Find out,
the distance from te wall. But  watch out for resonance. Møre low agaist the wall, and Visé-versa. See that you practical sit in a triangle. Even use bass traps. Also inportent is ,using good powercables and i use also the audioquest niagra 1000 ( netfilter) A good synergie beween high-mid-en low is very important. You have to feel “the Music”. Figure it out, and  test everything on your hearing.
You can try some transparent ultra cables. Much better bass but with a tradeoff of less air and high frequency extension.
Cables which I know have solid bass are Siltech Royal Signature series and Stage III Concepts. Purist Audio Design also has good bass. Of those, i'd probably start with Stage III Concepts and PAD.
I am a cable manufacturer but not going to promote mine here.  You are getting good advice over all.  The Nordost cables are tilted bright and do not have much bass.

Besides our cables, the other solid designs are Purist and Cardas.   I am also a dealer that sells Kimber but I don't think Kimber is rich in bass either although not as bright as Nordost. 

Transparent has plenty of bass but with your speakers will be muted or congested.