Can you use 4 cables from SS amp to speakers?

I've ordered and will soon receive an MC462, C52, and SF Olympica III's.

Can I connect 2 speaker cables from the amp to each speaker? One to the midrange/tweeter and the other to the woofer? If so, what ohm to use for each.

Absolutely you can, and should.  That is referred to as "bi-wire".  Ohm rating is not an issue if you are using the same cable on both feeds … best applied you should use the same wire for both connections and remove the speaker manufacturers provided interconnect between the speakers terminals.  Typically the provided interconnect is gold plated brass, which has a detrimental effect on sound quality ,,, brass is crud for audio signal.  The resistance presented by the bi-wire will not change in any meaningful way the resistance presented by the same wire as a single feed.  If running different types of wire to each set of terminals, then you can directly impact the sound reproduction in a negative way.  The amp will feed a proportionally greater amount of the amperage to the wire with the least resistance, thus changing the intended sound characteristics of the speaker. Unless you know the resistance per foot or meter of the two different wires are the same, or extremely close to being the same, the only time you should specialize which wires go to which speaker terminals, is if you are "bi-amping".  Bi-amp is when one set of wires go to one amplifier that only feeds the bass, and the other set of wire for the mid/tweeter goes to a separate amplifier, or 3rd/4th channel feed of a receiver, which is basically a separate amplifier.
PS  the user manual for your speakers should detail  the proper manner to connect your bi-wire configuration.