Thinking of changing my solid state pre amp

I’ve had Macintosh and I am using C-J ET3.
i am looking for a workhorse solid state preamp that can log plenty of hours because I listen to music constantly in my house. I enjoy my C-J but thinking of tinkering with my system.
Why not stick with CJ? If you have a CJ amp that would be the best match. I know, change for change sake and then later regret for the "one that got away."
@georgehifi The Freya would be a giant step down from any CJ preamp in my opinion.
Muse Model 3 Signature 
Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE
Bel Canto Pre1... Pre2.... Pre3 (all 3 are very good)

I will never get rid of my C-J. They r champagne golden in my book.
i would like to play a little, and try some other brands out. 
But my amp, I think that’s my home run piece, really.