Adcom Gia 555ii amp and gfp 565 preamp

I recently purchased these in like new condition, the downside is that they have been in storage for about 14 years. Is there anything I should do before hooking them up and turning them on?                   Sorry, it is a gfa 555 ii amp
My old GFA 555 went unpowered for years, but it always worked as it should.
The Mk II, should be as good, considering it is a few years younger. If you take off the top cover and look around for anything unusual-like something distorted or bloated, then I think you are good to go.
The only thing that can affect the amp are leaking capacitors, and those are pretty obvious on casual inspection.
Nelson Pass did a great job designing the 555, so I doubt there is anything wrong, especially if you bought it from a dealer-who should have tested it before selling it.
I believe Musical Fidelity does upgrades to older Adcoms. Another route to go, if you wish...
That's good to know that SS equipment that has been sitting doesn't have to go through the same steps as tube equipment.
       Enjoy that amp and pre! What speakers are you running?
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I have the same combo except mine is the earlier 555. You'll be very impressed with the 565, especially if you use a turntable.  I had mine sitting in the storage for 6 years and and plugged them right back in with no issues. I also have a Pioneer receiver SX-980 that sat in storage for almost 12 years and lent it to a friend and we plugged it in and he's been using it with no issues. Having a tech check them out is always a good idea if you want to be real safe. Nice find....