Stand mount loudspeakers

Okay with all the new stand mount loudspeakers out there which ones specifically should I audition for a smaller room? Please give details. Thanks!!!! I'll be looking at a whole new system so I'll be matching the rest of the system to the speakers I choose.
@exfoliate maybe you can break down your math on how you came to this conclusion, including the fact that the Pulsars are sold through reputable dealers and that requisite markup.  Because there are a whole crapload of audiophiles who have bought Pulsars retail and are absolutely thrilled with them.  Are they idiots?  They must be by your logic.  Oh, Mr. Yun must also be off his rocker charging $7500 for his SR17 Supremes (with their Dynaudio drivers) then too, right?  And Marten is off-the-charts crazy for thinking they can rape people for their Accuton-driven Duke monitors to the tune of almost $12k!!!  What a total ripoff THAT must be!!!

These guys start with a blank sheet and design the best speakers they know how to build given their particular expertise, and people actually BUY them and are HAPPY.  I'm tired of schmucks like you coming in here with absolutely no knowledge of what it takes to produce a successful speaker that makes audiophiles genuinely happy, and blindly criticize them for charging what they do.  That's what the free market does my friend.  You could give me all the best ingredients in the world, and it doesn't make me a chef.  These guys are audio chefs, and you sir, are nothing but a cheap, uninformed critic of good peoples' hard work.  You go take some good electonic parts and put them together into something people will happily buy in quantity, then you can talk.  Until then, keep your lowbrow, ignorant cheapshots to yourself.  It belittles good manufacturers and makes you sound like an idiot.  Unless you have the math and design to back up your claim.  Let's hear it.  I'm all ears. 

I haven't heard the JA Pulsars, but I did hear the Pearls at Axpona, they sounded nice, and I have no idea how much they are, but I certainly heard other speakers in the $10,000 and less range that I thought were better.  

I know others who absolutely loved them though, and they do have a great reputation, just more reason to go out and listen to as much as you can because what you love may be different from what I love.  
I'll give a shout out to Salk Silk, which Audioholics called the best bookshelf speaker in the world.
@tutetibiimperes, thanks for sharing re: the Pearls. Honestly that’s the first non-positive thing I’ve ever seen about these speakers, which is what interests me. Normally I’d say that it was show conditions yadda yadda yadda, but JA almost always shines in this area so I give your observations great credibility. Which makes me super curious about which ballpark $10k speakers sounded better to you as there may be some I really need to go hear. Thanks for your thoughts!

BTW, the Pearls are now somewhere north of $30k I believe. Do you recall what components they showed with?