Denon's new Blu-Ray player

Denon is releasing a hi-end Blu-Ray player for 2000.00.
"It takes a much larger screen to take advantage of high definition. It's funny what people consider too expensive for certain improvements. Some people don't mind spending a whole lot for a power cord or interconnects but balk at paying for real differences."

Amen. Blu-ray is a HUGE improvement over standard DVD, if you have a large enough 1080p screen to appreciate it. In fact, I'm hard pressed to think of anything in audio that costs $600 (the price of a PS III) and makes even a fraction of as much of a difference. And mind you, I am a 2 channel guy and not really into HT. The problem I've had, however, is that the PS III seems to be very finicky as a Blu-Ray player. I've returned two so far out of frustration.

What happened with your PS3? I haven't had any problems yet. My only beef is that the PS3 remote is bluetooth so i can't program it into my remote control.

The player would freeze far too often. Sony may have worked out the bugs - the two I had problems with were both purchased late last winter. At the time, I noticed I was not the only person returning them to Best Buy.

I own players of both formats, so if one format fails I'm still covered and in the interim I'm enjoying ALL of hte great HD movies that are available. Let me tell you, the difference in HD and SD dvds is incredible. The diffence is much more signficant than between redbook CD and SACD. Also, both of my players are great upconverters of SD dvds, so if one format fails, I can always use that player in another room, so its not totally a boat anchor. I have about $800 into both of my players combined, but I would not put that much into a single format until the war is settled. I would love to see what Denon can do with Blu-ray, but not yet.