Brand new to vinyl: Help!

I am brand new to vinyl, but quite established in digital (CDs, lossless streaming, etc.).

I made the first foray to vinyl by purchasing an entry level turntable - Pro-Ject Debut Carbon DC Esprit.

I am using an Ayre pre-amp with phono stage and also Ayre amp.

While I am happy I have it up and running, I don’t think it sounds as good as my digital setup (Directstream DAC).

So what can I do to improve, short of buying a much more expensive turntable?

Things in my mind:

1 - Since it accepts DC power, buy a linear power supply

2 - Since my Phone stage on my preamp only accepts XLR three-pin connector, I bought a male RCA to male XLR cable from Amazon, less than $20. Do I need a better interconnect?

3 - Upgrade the cartridge (it comes with Ortfofon Red something)

Boy, you don't fool around thyname!  Totally different leagues between the Debut and the Concept as you've already discovered.

IMO, the 2M Bronze is much better than the Concept MM.  Not everyone would agree, but that's as may be.  Do you really want to change it out right now?  That's not an easy answer.  It generally takes some time to get everything to equilibrium and properly broken-in; usually ~50 hours of use.  Only then can you identify the synergies and weaknesses in any given rig.

The Concept MM can always be sold later if you aren't satisfied, as could the 2M Bronze.  Depreciation will apply to both, although the 2M can stay in the box for awhile without losing very much.

My suggestion would be to return the 2M and live with the Concept MM for the rest of the year.  Save your money, think about how your system performs and do some A-B comparisons between your digital sources and your analog source.  Try a few "golden oldies" like Getz & Gilberto or Harry James on Sheffield too.  At that point, you might well find that you'll want to make the move to a LOMC instead.  That move most often represents a whole new world of detail, image and dynamics.

Your call either way.  In the meantime, enjoy a very nice vinyl rig.  Happy listening!
@effischer : much appreciate your well-thought reply to me. Thank you!

This kinda fell on my lap. A dealer I know locally, who is also a friend texted me about the unit - clearaudio concept I bought - that a customer just brought this in at the store (authorized clearaudio dealer) as a trade up.

So I went to take a look, and it was indeed in pristine condition, nothing missing, only four months used.

He also helped me with realigning the cart, and other setting I don't know yet.

Needless to say, I got a good price too.

Very interesting advice on selling the Bronze cart! It did cross my mind, but I am very curious to compare the two. I need to thing this over, and possibly take your advice and resist the temptation to try the Bronze.

BTW - I also bought a nice maple wood stand from the same dealer to put it underneath the table. It's a pity I cannot post pics here. Looks great!
You can post photos if you like; just start a virtual system.  Go to your member page and you'll readily find the link.  I have my system up, but without pics yet. My entertainment area still isn't finished after 7 years of on-again, off-again construction. Doesn't hurt the sound but looks pretty bad. Nothing I want to show off.

Regardless, keep your eyes peeled here for vinyl toys, too. I've picked up several accessories at very fair prices over the years.  Also some truly excellent vinyl.

Enjoy that new table! For at least 2 months before you think about changing anything. As you said, it sounds great. Until you know exactly what you wish was different, you won't know which path to take. You may like the Bronze better than the Concept; but a Hana EH or Otofon MC3 (etc.) turbo may blow you away