I think the issues with most things deemed "Snake Oil" is with the terminology used to promote each particular brand of snake oil.
e.g. "this gadget reduces (or eliminates) vibration"
What kind of vibration?
- airborne vibrations
- floor vibrations
- arm vibrations
- cartridge vibrations
- TT vibrations
- vinyl vibrations
- stand vibrations
- etc...
But the "unsuspecting audiophile" buys the said gadget, only to proclaim it is useless and therefore it must be "snake oil"
As for
But here’s the thing: most turntables, especially decent ones, have vibration control measures built into them via footers and various construction techniques.
The vibration control measures applied in the vast majority of turntables is only partially effective and only addresses a very limited range of vibration issues actually present in the interface between the shelf and the TT.
It is only the very best TT’s that offer the type of "vibration control" most people are seeking - i.e. total elimination. Even then they require a substantial rack or shelf as a foundation
Complete vibration control is a product of ...
- Good TT design techniques e.g.
...Sound absorbing feet (an over simplification),
...foot positioning
...Platter/plinth rigidity
...bearing design and materials
...Arm/headshell design
...The use of sound absorption materials
...The use of "acoustically inert" materials/techniques
...Employing vibration control throughout the design
- Good equipment rack design (including wall mount shelves)
...good support for shelving components
...The use of sound absorption frame materials/techniques
...The use of sound absorption shelving materials/techniques
- Good individual shelf design (i.e. within a rack)
...e.g. the use of a "sandwich" design for each shelf
So, before you splurge on that next vibration "fix"
- look at the claims of the gadget manufacturer
- ensure you actually have the problem they claim to address.
It’s a bit like buying a hammer and then using it to hammer home nails - it works, but it will never achieve that really strong joint.
Some isolation products and turntable footers, primarily those using soft materials, can be very effective at eliminating vibrations entering the component from the rack/stand
The use soft materials can be very effective, I use them myself, however it has been my experience that using "too much of a good thing" can actually deaden the sound, i.e. the sound becomes less vibrant
- so apply them wisely
OP and many others are stuck in this loop instead of giving it a try
Granted, giving it a try is one option, but can lead to the proclamation "it’s snake oil" if it does not meet expectations and it can get expensive
I will agree there are a lot of vibration control products out there that may assist in the reduction of certain vibrations.
But how to gauge their effectiveness is the real challenge
- first you have to understand the "root cause" of YOUR specific "problem".
Regards - Steve