Cartridge for my Rega RP6

Hi folks,

I have a Rega RP6 with the Exact 2.  I like the table, but am not fond of the cartridge, as I don't feel that is reveals enough of what's on the record.

I have what I consider to be a pretty nice front end; Conrard Johnson LP260MSE monoblocks (with 8 KT120's each) and a Conrad Johnson ET5 preamplifier, with an upgraded 6922 tube.  I also have a Pass Labs (solid state) xp-15 phono stage.

I have heard the Rega RP10 with the Apheta 2, and like that sound quite a bit, particularly the simplicity of the operation/installation of the cartridge.

So, I am thinking about putting either the Apheta 2 or the Hana SL (which is a lot cheaper) on my RP6.  Has anybody heard both?  I would expect the Apheta2 (which retails for $1,800) to sound better than the Hana SL (which retails for $750), but rather than make assumptions, I thought I would ask-- who has heard both, and what are your thoughts; price vs. performance?  I know it's a subjective thing, but will the Hana provide 90% of the attributes of the Apheta2?  50%?  Just looking for some insight here.

Thanks for whatever insight you can provide.

Ag insider logo xs@2xliamowen
Chakster, Do turntables and tonearms all sound the same? Are some better for certain genres of music than others? The answer is YES! And cartridges are no different, thats why they make MM’s, MC’s, MI’s. Cartridges are tiny amplifiers, are amplifiers neutral to all genres of music? NOT. So I dont understand your statement nor agree with it.

Matt M
I also favor MM cartridges as they sound more like tape IMO. Chakster has very good recommendations for vintage cartridges. If you want to get current production, my favorite is the 2M Black by a wide margin. It can compete with just about any vintage cartridge.

My second choice from current production would be AT VM760SLC. 

Both cartridges produce a big, effortless, detailed, layered, rich, cohesive, wall of sound. 
I recently got enough shims to install an Ortofon 2M Black on my RP6.  Had the Exact and was content but curious so installed my backup 2M Black.   Not to knock the Exact but the 2M Black smokes it. 
The 2m Black costs double the Exact (here in Australia anyway) hardly a fair comparison 
I had a Rega RP6 and used a Soundsmith Bohemme with excellent results. I still use it on my Well Tempered Labs Amadeus Mk. II. The Soundsmith Carmen 2 is also a good choice.