Integrated amp for Focal Aria 948 speakers? SS or tube

Looking for integrated amp suggestions to pair with my new Focal 948s Integrated tube preferred,  but will consider SS...Budget $2K-4K
For about 4400.00 you can get a new Prima Luna High Power integrated that blows away almost everything else out of the water.
I've got the PM Dialogue premium, used for 2k.
It's wonderful with the Focal 1008be2's
I had a Cronus Magnum but there is more air and I think a deeper soundstage. Besides you can switch from ul to triode from the comfort of your chair. Need a phono pre of course, but you can get a killer phono pre with the extra money.
good luck
I think the PL is to my it's HP version vs basic DiaLogue Premium...about $1100 difference.
@larseand are there any PM dealers in your area? Maybe you could ask them for a demo. As someone mentioned in another thread, your minimum ohm is 2.5 and might need the extra umph of the HP. 
There’s only one way to tell.
I find in my 12X16x9’ room I can’t get past 12’oclock on the volume control, unless it’s a really low volume cd. 
Where are you located?
good luck 
@larseand What amp did you end up with?

I recently got the 948s and initially setup with my Peachtree Nova 150. The sound was lacking something. Long story short, the sound was enhanced when I upgraded to the Nova 300. It not only provided a boost of power but it also improved the nuance of the soundstage.