Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.
We've always had some twists and turns and we will get back to gear very soon.  

Of course the name was chosen for a reason.  They love it when they get their free pub on boards as they don't have to have high overhead and can make affordable products that work nicely within their price range.  It's a great concept and they make many happy.  

There is no be all end all in audio for obvious reasons that have been talked about in nearly every thread on every forum all over the net.  Maybe even the dark net, but I don't play there so I don't know for sure, lol.  ((😆 that's my way of saying joke).

I've gotten to know Matt, Richfield, Steve and so many of you because of this thread.  Nothing else, just this thread.  I've gotten to network with Matt specifically and met others here who post.  Many of you are dealers or manufacturers.  ALL of you are great guys who share the same passion that I do.  Gentlemen all of you (no grammar police as I purposely wrote it that way ;)).  

Matt and others have kept this thread going and kept it civil, when most so many of these bumps would have blown up other threads.  Teh same will happen here, because 99% of us what it that way.  Most of us open up AG daily and look to see who's posted what and what gear are we talking about today.  For many of us, we can't afford the TOTL stuff, but it's fun to dream and it's fun to learn.  I also want to know what the 'best' gear is on the top end and it allows me to learn more about what is in my own wheel house.  I'm sure most of you are do the same. I know that so many who read this thread and don't post feel that way.  

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention something about Matt.  He's become a very good friend (same with Richfield and Sam isn't far behind).  We don't see eye to eye on much of audio, but we are very very close most of the time.  At first I thought that I disagreed with him more than I agreed, but over the years now, I've come to realize that we do like most of the same gear as we both need tonality first.  It's fun as we bounce so much off of each other daily.  As you can tell, it's his passion.  He's a great friend and he's honest.  What he has, that many on the net lack is class.  I've never seen anyone on the internet (I'm much more heavily involved in Oklahoma Univ athletics than audio and I spend hours and hours daily listening to music and networking in that area) react to some of the stuff he does with such class.  Many of us have no filters (thanks MS!) and can be contentious.  We are brutally honest and just post thoughts and don't always think (again, screw you MS).  Matt does the opposite. He will take valuable time to retort to a post that may rub him the wrong way or if he knows something  isn't fact etc...

He's one of many I've seen on this thread who won't put something else down even if he didn't like it at all.  Sorry Matt, but it's very true as no one likes everything (why both Wilson and Vandersteen can be profitable for so long as they are so opposite of each other).

I'm in touch with at least 6 of the folks who read or post on this thread on a consistent basis as I've said and everyone I spoke with about this issue felt that Matt was pretty funny and not putting down the product.  For those who have taken the time to read this whole thread, you'd have known that Matt has and would never put down a product.  He'll be honest if he didn't love something, but no way does he put down a product.  Especially a decent one that a couple of you enjoy.  

This situation, like a couple of others before it will play itself out. On Wed, I'm heading to Matt's house for the first time to audition The Memory Player and built in (or possibly external) DAC and I can't wait.  First time I get to see and hear your room and I can't wait to hear this piece of equipment that I've heard SOOOO much about over the last couple of months.  Very exciting and what this thread is truly about adn why it will always stand the test of time.  I"m blessed to be getting a ride over to Matt's as I wouldn't be able to physically drive right now.  I wonder what music we will get to audition.  Sorry to break away from the previous schitt, but it really is all about the music as well as the gear isn't it?  (if you made it this far, thanks). 
Matt has been one of the most humble people on Audiogon. I've asked him several questions through PM and he has always been respectful. He's vey hesitant to be overly critical of a component. Matt keep being who you are, I submit you help make Audiogon a great place for constructive and honest dialog.
Imgoodwithtools, we had a customer bring in his Berkley Ref 1 which I know in'st the latest howerver we compared it to our Davinci Dual Dac MK I which isn't as good as the newer MK II. So it was a fair title match up last series of each head to head. 

The Davinci was signifigently more like an analog source with a bigger soundstage and a more holographic sound stage. The Berkly was superb I think we also compared both to the EMM Labs Da 2 the new $25k one, and both of these dacs were better than the Emm. 

You should listen to one if you can, they are very rare dac's but as Matt will attest to one of the most remarkable pieces of digital out there.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ