How to drive yourself insane

It started out so innocently...  I have a CA 740c player/dac, a dedicated Mac Mini playing files through Audirvana, feeding a B&K Reference 5 S2 preamp which feeds a Rotel 1080 which finally dumps to Focal Aria 926 speakers with a Gallo TR2 sub.  Decent interconnects and power cables (Morrow Audio mostly on the ICs), al that.  Nothing fancy.  The 740c's transport was skipping so I sent it off for repair and it didn't come back for over a month.  I lost the DAC for the Mac and CD play capacity.

I get impatient and wonder what's out there.  Audiogon was so seductive.  I try to do my homework reading up on DS vs multibit, DAC chips, upsampling or not, interconnect limitations per source, etc. and never could get to the bottom of just how much better an 800-1000 dollar DAC would sound than what I already had.  Yes, Schiit offered a 14 day trial and when I got my deck back I intended to do an A/B comparison with Schiit Bimby, but all the reviews and such, along with the technical pages, never really gave a clear differentiating message to make it worth exploring.

I ended up ditching the optical input from the Mac, which had a limitation, for USB out to a Schiit Eitr box which provided RCA out to the 740c, which had no USB input.  So now I can pipe 24/192 FLACs to the 740c which upsamples to 24/384 like it or not.  Sounds good, but what would sound better?

This has me wondering if a better DAC would make a difference given the limitations in my system.  I see $10K DACS and wonder what on earth they need to sound their best and differentiate from a $1K NAD DAC I see on Audioadvisor.  This is the rub that necessitates audition - the DAC is but one part in a signal path from source to speaker, and who knows what impact downstream components will have.  No one can tell you with any precision so you have to buy on faith and try to not succumb to placebo effect, or hunt for a trial.  In my case, I don't know that the Schiit trial with restock fee has that high a probability of a 'wow' factor that would make purchase imperative.  So, I vacillate between cold comfort of knowing I've made the best of what I have, and wondering if a Bimby w/o any upsampling voodoo would really sound better than the 740c, and asking myself it it would be worth the freight and restock charge to find out.  My real problem is I don't have the money to buy/sell components and have a more or less perpetual audition system.  How can you finally say "enough!"?
It is definitely an addiction, quite possibly a sickness and for some quite incurable!
I found myself mired deep in the rabbit hole but think so far I have managed to crawl back out and am just enjoying listening to the music instead of worrying what might be waiting around the corner that could be "better"
Indeed I bought a 3k DAC, then as yourself started thinking about even higher end.
I changed tack completely, sold the DAC, in process of selling my power amps and have bought an integrated with built in DAC, that might not be quite as sonically "good" as my previous DAC setup but I am just turning on the Hegel and enjoying wither vinyl or cd or streaming music and kicking back.
Consider yourself to have had a lucky
Of course I am also fairly certain this present mindset of mine will change after a few days of perusing ebay and audiogon!
It would be wise to filter what you read on these forums. Find the industry expert and listen to them.

Surprisingly, written by an industry expert. Hahaha!

I do agree with Steve's first line, filter what you read, on these forums, and from "industry experts". Remember, that industry experts have an agenda, to relieve you of your money.
Most here have no such agenda. You could do even better by filtering what you have to read to zero. No experts, no forums.

Many folks manage to live a life quite content without ever reading an article or forum related to audio equipment. I have never read an article about wine written by a wine connoisseur, as I have no interest.
Just imagine how I can somehow still live a relatively happy life, completely ignorant about the finest French wines.
Would my life be even better if I had a wine addiction? I doubt it.

Feel free to replace the word wine with the beverage of your choice, watches, cars, boats, travel, etc., etc., etc.

The world is full of salesmen, whose job it is to convince you that you are missing out on life unless you buy Product X.

If you do not listen to the salesman, how would you know how much better your life could be??? Hahaha!

Ignorance is bliss!! Seek out addiction, and it will find you.
"By source, I mean the feed from your CD player or computer. Jitter is the #1 problem with digital audio, so find ways of minimizing it. If you want to spin CD's, add a reclocker like the Synchro-Mesh to reduce jitter. If you want to stream from a Sonos, add a reclocker to that. If you are using USB from a Mac, this is more difficult for you to reduce jitter. You almost need to get a Berkeley USB converter, used on Audiogon, and drive coax to your DAC with a really good coax cable. Relying on the USB interface that is built-into an inexpensive DAC will probably not get you there."

So, Steve, if your DAC only has a USB interface then you're SOL?

This hobby is addictive if you focus too much on what magazine and reading thread, post on any audio site especially here at Agon. Well not all audiophile need 10k to put up a good system , Settle for used gear when money come.i know someone who spend less than 2k and his system is very musical, I enjoy his system when I go to his place...Patience is the key .....if I tell  you my SB 22 pioneer speakers gives me almost the same enjoyment like my 1k speakers do maybe you won’t agree, But they do...
.industry experts have an agenda, to relieve you of your money.

Some of us actually help people make their systems better.  I have been doing this for 15 years.  Also, some of us don't pay advertising, marketing departments, legal departments or distributors, so our products are much lower cost than the competition.

So, Steve, if your DAC only has a USB interface then you're SOL?

So, if you bother to look, you would see that the Overdrive SX has S/PDIF coax, I2S and (galvanically isolated USB or Ethernet) inputs.

My point here is to not focus only on the DAC as a panacea.  The source is equally important.  They are both important.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio