Breaking: Paramount/Dreamworks go HDDVD exclusive

Stunning announcement today:
I bet HD sold it's soul with the 'exclusive' studio releases and is getting a much lower cut
Seems HD knew it was behind and had to act desperate
Maybe I'll have to get both players, damn
and as for purchasing - I only own 5 discs
including the 4 disc planet earth (stunning on BR)
netflixs all the way for HD/BR
Whatever format [HD-DVD?] the porn industry goes with will be the winner. And I am serious about this!
Go check out the latest news on the format war on Seems blu-ray is already fighting back.
This is great news.... but I think this will just polarize the playing field and make people wait to buy (seeing who will win) and in the end STUPID dual players will come down in price.

It's cheaper to make HD-DVD's and the equipment is more available.. hence the porn industry changing (Couple of producers that Sony won't let use their pressing facilities) their backing from Blueray to HD-DVD...
Go check out the latest news on the format war on Seems blu-ray is already fighting back.

Fox and MGM have been BD exclusive for a long time but have released very little. With Fox I'd wait it until movies are actually out as they have made these announcements in the past and never met their release list.