Most satisfying system change in 2017?

What was your most satisfying addition or subtraction for your audio system this year?  Looking for changes in gear, set-up, or listening environment.  What floated your audio boat in 2017?
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Exogal comet plus DAC/preamp and subsequent insertion of sr black fuse!
Then just last week I built a new rack using 2 inch maple blocks which surprisingly made another large difference.
My news speakers, first in 10 years, Audio Note AN-J/lx's. The AN DAC-3 signature I picked up for a song used close second.
I'm going to spoil the party and say that one of my Apogee Centaur Majors speakers just went kablooie - but regardless, great topic #knownothing
Swapping my vintage black plate 6L6GC power tubes for new Tung Sol 7581a. Massive improvement.