Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

No need to apologize! We just have some differing opinions, that’s all.

I don’t agree that 50 watts at 8 ohms (or 200 watts at 2 ohms) "really isn’t much at all." Your 3.6 speakers have a sensitivity rating of 86dbs. My 3.7s are rated at 90dbs. I’m sure you would agree that’s not an insignificant difference. So yes, maybe for you, in your room with your speakers and at your listening levels, 50 watts may be inadequate. My Accuphase has a digital meter, so I’m able to track just how many watts it’s peaking at depending on volume. Last time I checked, I was pushing over 105 dbs while keeping it under 100 watts and seated approximately 10 feet from my speakers. The 3.7s have been tested to drop under 3 ohms, so I know my Accuphase had much more to give. I don’t know what level you like to listen to, but that’s the equivalent sound to a jackhammer, which is enough to require earplugs for most sane people. In other words, in many ways we’re comparing apples to oranges, which may be why we have such different opinions.

I too have been at this for a few decades, and over that time I’ve come to the conclusion that, in my opinion, there’s too much reliance on wattage when determining whether an amp is sufficient enough. It’s certainly a relevant factor, but it isn’t always the most important one.

I know you’re not trying to tell or convince me otherwise. But there are a lot of readers on this sight who are looking for information, and just as your thoughts give great insight, I think there are valid counter opinions to the points you make. My intent was only to share some of them, just as you are. And I definitely agree we’re both likely to be more on the same page than we are not. Just different journeys, I suppose.

Hi Dave, at the risk of appearing petty my 3.5’s have a sensitivity of 88 dB, and my room volume is probably a bit larger than most. High volume levels in music is most often short term so it’s not really at all uncomfortable or unsafe. Still your points have merit. Peace.
"I too have been at this for a few decades"

How old is everyone? There is a lot of experience here...
I am 58.
While I've been into vinyl for 40 years , cassettes before that ,
I've only been " at it " seriously for the last 10 .
Learned a lot from a friend nkonor but never really applied it until
recently , the kids are grown ( still costing me with education expenses  )
and I have reached an income level that I can spend on my hobby.
Wish I started a few years earlier , vinyl has gone up in price,
but at the same time equipment has improved by leaps and bounds.

For Black Friday I purchased acoustic panels from Acoustimac
to replace my homemade piecemeal setup , waiting for delivery !

I’m freaking 60, very soon to turn 61, and since becoming a member on this lunatic site around 4 years ago I’ve burned through quite a few dollars on everything in the most futile of pursuits - perfection.  

Obviously my chronological advance has not yet graced me with wisdom. I doubt it ever will, perhaps when I cease advancing I may find it. 

Anyway - as close to a reasonable facsimile of perfection as one may get in this hobby is Thiel. 
Speakers HAVE to cost more than these to be better - and from my limited “high end” auditions over the last few years the only other manufacturer that comes even close is Magnepan.  I’m a fan of both.  I simply can’t find sonic or financial reasons sufficient to consider blowing a few thousand bucks on other brands that might do one or even a couple of things “better”,  especially when none in my $$ wheelhouse do everything as well as Thiel does. 

IMHO Pass Labs  and Thiel represent amazing sonics. I’m still trying to get my 3.6’s to shine as my 3.5’s did.  I don’t think I’ll be getting there soon.  I may be selling my 3.6’s to find another pair of 3.5’s.  Something about those suckers that connects with me where the 3.6’s do not. 

To each his own. 

As long as it’s Thiel!