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A few weeks ago I brought up the question about what speaker cables Theil 2.7 owners use . I then looked back thru the many pages on this very popular forum and then researched the different manufactures and their offerings . I came to the conclusion that I couldn't afford even used cables that might or might not better my current Cardas Neutral Reference . So I decided to take a chance and make my own . After researching bulk cable available I had narrowed it down to Furutech , Oyaide and Cardas , here again price became an issue when it came to taking a chance . I purchased 4 @ 6.5ft long 9.5awg Cardas wire and 4 pairs of Kimber spade connectors all for $249.00 + shipping . I have to say I'm amazed , they did everything better , I have more bass than ever ( size does matter ) more soundstage with the speakers seemingly disappearing . I never heard Hearts Dreamboat Anne or Beethovens 3rd symphony by Solti w/CSO sound so good . These will problably be that last speaker cables I own ( until I win the lottery ) . |
To my suprise Outside Diameter: .600 Dielectric Type: Teflon®, Air Inductance: .034 uh/ft/loop Capacitance: 117 pf/ft Bi Wire Option: Yes Cable AWG: 8.5 !!!!! Conductor Type: Golden Ratio, Constant Q, Crossfield, Pure Copper Litz But they use 2 wires to get there , so maybe I like the 9.5 AWG because being 1 wire/cable the outside windings have a larger diameter wire . Also since I'm running them seperated there isn't any capacitance , maybe that helps . Can't find specs on 9.5 . |
I would like to amend a statement I made from " size matters " to sizes matters . When Mr. Thiel asked me about the AWG of the cables I was using vs.the cables that I made I was suprised that a smaller AWG sounded better , so I looked back at my history of cable upgrades . I started with BJ cables of 10 AWG then went to Cardas Quadlink cables that were 12 AWG and liked them more , upgrading to Cardas Neutral Reference cables that are 8.5 AWG and again liking them more than the Quadlink . In making cables using Cardas 9.5 AWG chassis wire and liking them even more than the upgrade from 12 AWG to 8.5 AWG I got to thinking WHY ? The only conclusion I could come up with is the design of the Cardas Golden Ratio , as the individual cable increases in AWG the outer strands become larger . When I looked at the construction of the Cardas speaker cables the maximum AWG they used for the Reference line was 11.5 , using multipules for increased total AWG , until Clear Beyond their top of the line which uses multipules of 9.5 . Since Mr. Thiel used Morrow cable I looked them up and they use a simular approach that many cables makers use , more of the same . Morrow like Belden or Monster uses small single strands using many to make their AWG so a 10 AWG has more of the same single strand gauge wires than the 12 AWG cable . I'm not saying that one is better than the other but to my ears I believe that there is something to it . While this may seem like a bunch of self inflated BS , I am preparing myself for the start of the internal speaker wiring upgrade. Mr. Thiel recommended that I could increase the AWG of the wire from the speaker post to the crossover board and at the same time I should keep the wires to the speakers the same AWG or the same resistence . I remember beetlemania used Cardas chassis wire and was very pleased with the results . @sdl4 You mentioned that you like the idea of Cardas cables but need 7 meters and that Parsec cables would cost $ 1,575 , for $700 you could try making your own and I believe have a much better sounding set of cables . I also use the Norah Jones album Come Away With Me side 1 as my first reference music after any change , especially when tube rolling in my phono preamp . |
sdl4 If you look at the Cardas Audio website then Beyond Clear you'll see 4 X 9.5 awg , the chassis wire is 1 of those (9 different guages) without the 2 layers of shielding . If you decide to try you'll need the following tools wire stripper , crimping tool , solder pot , solder iron and heat gun . I completed mine about 10 daysago and are now broken in. I have found it hard not to express my enthusiasm over these since every day, every album I am enjoying them like hearing them for the first time , to me this was one of those changes that turned into a "Hey Hey" & "Holy Cow" moment vs. just a "that sounds better" one . The Parsec cable that you said you could afford uses 2 X 15.5 awg wires = 12 awg , the same as my first set of Quadlink, As far as the match propagation , I'm sure there is something to it but how much ? For the cost it's definatly something to think about , especially with your required length . Rob |
sdl4 the Parsec is 4 , 2 for each polarity ( Quad link ) Go to Cardas look at the picture of the Parsec speaker cable , they show one side single ended , you'll see a twisted pair of wires going to a spade connector for each polarity , then look at the other end , 4 wires ( bi-wired ) that are straight or a single wire . I can't explain the error in the catalog , Cardas uses 15.5 , 11.5 and 9.5 awg , but since your question I discovered that they a have 6.5 awg used in Clear only . Call or e-mail Cardas , Start a forum question to see if anybody made a lateral move by going from Quadlink or Golden Reference to Parsec or Clear Reflection , the only difference being the patented Matched Propagation . Yes there is a special way , that is why a solder pot is needed , check out Cardas video . Contact Michael Percy Audio for cable and connectors , he might prepare the cable ends for you so you wouildn't have to purchase a solder pot and solder bar ( you can't use solder wire in it ) I'm sure this is boring others so you can e-mail me at rsr921@live.com Rob |
jafant Thank you You started a forum discission that has become one of the most informative and cerebral, which I believe has and is appreciated by all who have read and participated . With close to 8,000 posts and 155 pages of interaction I've seen many manufactured speaker cables mentioned as being compatable with and liked by Thiel owners owners . So my getting to detailed, focused or opinionated about one cable manufacture might not be appreciated by most on a "Thiel Speaker " forum. Rob |
After mowing the lawn for the 3rd day in a row , (1 acre with an electric mower ) I thought I'd do something fun like checking out other Thiel owners virtual systems , they are beautiful ! Soon ( I hope ) my room will be presentable enough to show . Also some lite reading http://www.linkwitzlab.com/frontiers.htm . It's long but very informative . In Memoriam: Siegfried Linkwitz, 1935–2018Blogby Robert E. Greene | Oct 14th, 2019 After reading the artical in The Absolute Sound I learned why every time I tested an audiometer I had a dip in hearing in both ears at the 3-4khz frequencies . |
Thank You Prof Your in-depth evaluation is fantastic, Its to bad the the " professional " evaluators couldn't be as precise as you. You've help me get over the regret of not moving up to the 3.7s I purchased one of the last CS2.7 pairs available from Thiel, I had to purchase the speaker spikes used on the 2.4SEs and 3.7s in order to penetrate the carpet. I love the sound and the looks and they aren't so heavy that I'd need help to move them. |
Thank You jafant Nice of you to ask , nothing as lofty as what is sold on Audiogon. Thiel CS2.7 ( only because I got them for less than 1/2 price New ! ) McCormack DNA-250 ( Conrad Johnson ) Gold Point passive preamp Carver SD/A-490t CD player ( only because there is some music not available on Vinyl ) Sim Audio Moon LP110 phono preamp thru a regulated power supply Merrill Heirloom TT with an upgraded RB300 tonearm and a Grado Sonata Reference cartridge. all thru Cardas Neutral Reference interconnects and speaker cables, and arriving any day now a TT speed control from Mr. Merrill, so I can finally play my favorite album David Crosby If I Could Only Remember My Name a 4 sided copy at 45rpm that I've had for over a year now. the future upgrades planned Tube phono preamp, Decware I think Origin Live Illustrious Tonearm and Soundsmith Aida or the Voice or maybe another Grado The Statement ? Used /Demos most likely due to their prices. As a true Audiophile or want to be , always looking to upgrade. |
Feeling bored ? Would you like to make a FREE improvement to the listening pleasure thru your Thiel speakers ? I went into my speakers to see , take pictures and prepare for the re-wiring of the speakers and crossovers , the wire used by Thiel is 18 awg and is constructed as 2 wire bundles running parallel . I pulled the wire apart seperating them and received a pleasant unexpected surprise , how could doing so little make a detectable difference , yet it did ! Go into your speaker thru the passive radiator and pull or seperate the wire bundles apart , you can reach the incoming from the speaker post , the mid and tweeter up to the first cabinet brace and the bass all the way to the speaker . @tomthiel Since you gave my speaker cable idea a try and found that it offered an improvement you know I'm not being totally crazy with my suggestions. maybe you could try this on one of your speakers that you experiment on. Wash Your Hands Then Listen to the Music Rob |
Since the 2.7 has the same woofer as the 2.4 is it possible to upgrade the capacitors to the ones used in the 2.4SE ? Has anybody tried ? I haven't contacted Rob at Thiel yet to see if it's even possible, and if it is can I send it to him and keep the warranty. I am always thinking of ways to upgrade what I have, not just buying new or different. |
Prof When i decided that I wanted Thiel speakers I was looking at a pair of 3.6s up in Portland but by the time I ready to rent a van and go and buy them the were gone , so I started to look for used 3.7s but the prices were still to high for me ( $6,800 plus shipping ! ) so when I saw 3 pairs 2.7s going on E-Bay for $3,000 I didn't exactly jump on them right away , I placed a bid and lost :( then another 3 pairs went up for bid , I lost again :( , So I called the seller Thiel audio and they had 3 more pairs and I bought a pair for $3,000 with first choice of finishes :) , on the same morning they listed 1 pair of 3.7s for $7,000 ! I thought about calling them back and buying them but still to rich for me. These were all new , Thiel didn't even know they had them until they went into the storage room were they thought the file cabinets had been placed after the move to Tennessee . the last new genuine Thiels available . I feel very , very Lucky. and now very very Happy :) I haven't heard back from Rob at Thiel about the crossover capacitors yet . Rob |
To All I'd like try to clarify my point , as Prof said the price of original Thiel speakers is climbing so if you have decided that Thiel's are the speakers you want BUY them , don't hesitate , be prepared to travel , shipping speakers is difficult and expensive. You will not be disappointed as most on this tread have testified . Rob |
Jafant While await hearing from Rob at Thiel service I started thinking and researching , HiFi Shock has some great hi def pictures of the crossovers, you can see the difference in the 2.4se and the 2.7. I also looked at the 3.7s , I thought that with them being the cost is no object that would look like the 2.4se but they look like they used the same caps as in the 2.7s . Anyway if they can't be done by Rob at Thiel then I will try to find the capacitor manufacture that they used on the 2.4se and do it myself, though this my have to wait until next year when I retire. |
Thank You Jafant Since Prof brought up finish , what finish are your 2.4SE's ? Prof , I had seen them on E-bay just before fathers day 2016, finish was not my main concern , finding New Original Thiel speakers at less than 40% of their list price was a dream come true for me. I bought my own a fathers day present. I had the choice of Maple ( to light/blonde for me ) , Walnut ( it was a beautiful veneer but to brown ) , I chose the light Cherry ( safe pick ? ) nice red tone to them. What were you looking/waiting for ? If memory serves me ( reading many pages on the thread ) are your 3.7s the Gibson specials ? As I am trying to find out if " upgrading " the 2.7s like the 2.4s were upgraded is possible , I was wondering if anybody has heard both the 2.4s and the 2.4se's ? My personal opinion is that Thiel missed a marketing opportunity , they should have come out with a 2.4se without the extra cost veneer and the expensive outriggers , and come out with a 2.4 mkII , a little more costly but it would have been all about the sound . That is why when I see the pictures of the crossovers of the 2.7 and 3.7 ( which look like they used the same components ) verse the 2.4se that if it is possible to " SE " the 2.7s then it would be possible to " SE " the 3.7s ! Something good for us and Thiel IF they wanted to offer the service ! Call me Crazy Rob something to a little different listen to the Temptations Psychedelic Shack |
jafant When I talked to Rob ( last year ) at Thiel he had informed me that the veneer on the SE cost $1,000 a sheet ! Thank you for sending the e-mail because I have a feeling the Thiel will not want to get involved. Prof Great finishes , I guess that my memory is getting old, when I was looking at the prices of 3.7s there was a pair of special finish by Gibson guitar ! The only ebony speakers that were on e-bay when I bought mine was 1.7s , I almost bought a pair but because of the bargain price , but then another 3 pairs of 2.7s became available Since I had a pair of black 2 way speakers that were given to me by a a friend and former Thiel 3.5 owner nkonor ( Norb ) about 25 years ago and a few upgrades later , I wanted 3 way speakers that weren't black . As you can see I keep things for a long time I think that the 2.7s will be my last pair , unless I win the lotto. Just finished my Sunday Classical music day. Now for a little jazz to end the evening . Rob |
First I would like to thank jafant for going out of his way to offer his assistance. . For all the 2.4SE owners , I learned that the crossovers used are more than just larger and higher quality capacitors, Thiel re-tuned the entire crossover circuit . For the 3.7 owners something that didn't happen , just before Thiel was sold they were working on a 3.7SE ! And for the project that I thought I could do with my 2.7s , I have discovered that my desire and enthusiasm were way ahead of my knowledge of the speaker cabinet construction , making the proposed project much more difficult and possibly damaging . I will not risk removing the woofer . Not that I'm unhappy with the sound of the speakers. Oh well , I'll work on my Carver SA/D 490T CD player. I have used BlueJean Cables and I too ordered the 10 guage speaker wire and used their interconnects, sounded great for a great price. Then moved up to Cardas Quad Link and now am using Cardas Neutral Reference with the hope of finding a used pair of Golden Reference some time in the future. |
@beetlemania I have a question ( and your opinion ) about your guage selection for both the woofer in/out and the coax in/out . All Thiel speakers used 18awg in and out , Tom Thiel has advised increasing the the guage from speaker post to X-over boards , which I am planing on doing . I will be increasing the input to 11.5awg since I am using 9.5awg Cardas chassis wire for speaker wires . Question While I've thought about using different gauges to the speakers ( 11.5 to woofers , 15.5 to mids and 17.5 to the tweeters ) do you believe that the different gauges worked for you ( you said you had a smile on your face ) or do you think that using the same gauge ( 17.5 ) as in OEM would have been the way to go ? I'll be installing 9.5awg and Cardas posts in and on my amp , then Cardas posts on the Speakers ( just placed my order for ) . I plan on replacing the speaker wiring as the first upgrade . Thanks Rob |
Thank You @beetlemania Tom's solution looks like a more balanced increase in guage , than going from 15.5 mids to 11.5 which might be to much . I"ll have to learn the hand twist +/- to 3 turns per inch , how much longer per foot does the twisting add ? I have already worked with Caradas wire , I'm using a 96.5% tin , 3% silver and .5% copper bar in the solder pot . I'm a 97.5% vinyl and 2.5% CD guy ( only because some albums are not available or to expensive ) . Do you bi-amp with your bi-wiring ? Rob |
I looked at your systems page , you do have 2 GR bi-wired cables ! Base crossover wiring on the bottom and mid/tweeter on top ? Try taking cable #1 and make it + , both black and red at the amp take cable #2 and make it - , both black and red at the amp at the speaker end take cable #1 black to bass + and red to m/t + then cable #2 black to bass - and red to m/t - ( I think I got this correct ) Give this a try and let everyone know what you hear . |
Good Evening All Prof , it seems like your listening to your 3.7s now , are you still going back and forth with the 2.7s ? Question to all 2.7 and 3.7 owners Do you hear a pop when turning your amp off ? This pop sounds like either the tweeter popping back or a capacitor in the crossover discharging quickly , and it only happens on one speaker. Reading about the freight cost and willingness to travel long distances to get a pair of speakers was interesting to see how far audiophiles will go to acquire a pair of original Thiels . I was going to rent a van and drive 110 miles to Portland to buy a pair of 3.6s but by the time I decided to do it they were sold, lucky me because new 2.7s became available less than a1/2 year later, and the price included delivery ! Just got a new Grado Reference Master 1 cartridge , nice upgrade from a Grado Reference Sonata . Took a long time to adjust everything , getting the anti-skating down was time consuming and couldn't have been done without the Cardas frequency sweep & burnin LP. Had to set it at 159 grams to keep it neutral in both of the groove-less tracks that are used to test anti-skating . Rob |
Thank You Robinbarbour I knew I should test that to see if the pop moves to the other speaker, but moving the 56 lbs off the shelf was a last choice, I thought I'd ask others first. You want to hear Bass ! Try Sandy Denny's 3:10 to Yuma or David Crosby's Cowboy Movie. Prof do you sit that close with both sets ( are you moving them in and out of position ? if so my back hurts thinking about it ) , how much do you angle inwards ? I have just about the perfect 8 foot triangle ( hard to be perfect with sloped speakers ) with about a 10 degree angle inwards . Rob |
@beetlmania Thanks , when I made my speaker cables there were 2 main variables replacing the 2 x 11.5 awg ( 8.5 awg ) Neutral Reference speaker cables with 1 x 9.5 awg chassis wire and keeping them sperated to eliminate capacitance . I was well rewarded by doing this but I can't tell which change had the most positive affect . |
Topic What Song, Album or Genre do you use to set up your speakers ? I had moved my speakers back just one inch and had to re-angle them. I tried to have them with as little angle as possible to get the widest soundstage possible, after several toe-ins I thought I had it until Classical Sunday , it just didn't come together , I had to angle it in 1/2 more to get the Orchestra sounding like you are sitting ten rows back center. In a conversation with Prof I learned that he has his speakers 8 feet apart and listing position 6.5 to 7 feet away with little toe-in. I have 8 feet apart and 8 feet from listing position , I had guessed a toe-in of 10 degrees but after measurements and mathematics it turned out to be 16.5 degrees toe-in . Using the front of the speaker being the only straight side . I guess that the difference is in the music that you listen to as to setting the speakers position. I listen to 70% rock 60's & early 70's , 10% folk 60's & 70's . 10% jazz 50's & 60"s and 10% classical 50's , 60's & 70's . Something for all Thiel owners to talk about. Rob P.S. I had mentioned 2 songs that exhibit strong bass I would like to add an album Jefferson Airplane Crown Of Creation |
Prof I found Everything But the Girl ( on allmusic.com ) , Amplified Heart ? Since you like EBTG then I think you would enjoy Tuck and Patti , I have their greats hits CD, their Guitar work and vocals are FANTASTIC, husband and wife team. I have a CD player only because some music is not available on vinyl, Cd's are less than 5% of my listening. Between learning from nkonor and Absolute Sound and getting to a point where the system is good enough the hear the differences I've discovered room acoustics are just as important and any component, from the AC power to your equipment , from the cartridge ( or CD player ) to the speakers. Hi nkonor , jafant Happy Friday Audiophile On Rob |
Wow oblgny You have one of the toughest roughest rooms to set up that can be imagined . At 12 feet distance I can see ( imagine hearing ) why you don't have any toe-in. My current room is the first I've ever had that is a rectangle measuring 13'2" wide and 17'2" long with 8 foot ceilings It would be a perfect size if my listen chair wasn't up against the foot of my king size bed , that I turned 90 degrees to gain 4" of listening space. At least I don't have to worry about rear wall reflections. I agree with you about the air , I could never listen to headphones. You brought up the Temptations " Ball of Confusion ", it's been a long time since I've heard that one, I've just bought a german copy of "Psychedelic Shack ". Something else I've learned with upgrading my system is the my old records while looking good are worn out, so I've been buying multiple copies from different countries and pressings of my favorites and play them in rotation. Rob |
Saffron_ Boots Warren, your one of the lucky few that own a 2.4SE model and it sounds like judging from your measurements you must have a large room. Have you tried moving them out a little further apart ? Only the Indigo Girls song is familiar to me , buy coincidence I listened to thier second album earlier , it's Friday Folk for me. I don't have any of the albums by other artist you mentioned. Arniespin I thought that the 3.7s came with outriggers as standard equipment, like the 2.4SEs . Maybe other 3.7 owners can answer that one. They are something that I would like to have for my 2.7s but not at the $500 price tag that Thiel is asking. Happy Friday All and to All Goodnight Rob |
Warren I have used the Cardas golden rule using the near field formula, When I got to 8 foot wide ( as suggested in the Thiel owners manual ) I had the simular problem with the center stage , toe-in solved my problem , it took listening to classical music to fine tune it, the speakers are pointing about 16 inches out from each ear. Speaker placement and toe-in are personal and a great discussion . the Prof has his speakers 8 feet apart and sits less than 7 feet away and no toe-in, you have yours 80 inches and sit 100 inches away , toe-in ? I've tried to get into Rush , a few songs maybe but I just can't. You have created an interest in Pierre Bensusan after listening to allmusic's snippets of him, never heard of him before so thanks. Back to Classical Sunday , just finished Beethoven's 1st and 9th by Fritz Reiner & CSO. Rob |
margmike When Rob ( from Thiel ) e-mailed me about questions regarding upgrading my 2.7s similar to the upgrade of the 2.4 to a 2.4SE he informed me that it was more than upgraded capacitors, they re-engineered the values . Warren I've decided that Rush's 2112 will be my one and only Rush album, it fits more in with ELP and Yes from the time period, both of whom I saw back in the 70's. My favorite autographed was Cat Woman Julie Numar , what happened to your system views ? |
prof Finding the sweet spot seems elusive even for an experienced listener like you. I have experienced that listening to one genre of music things can sound spot on, then when listening to another like classical they aren't as focused. Being kind of slow and lazy it took me over a month before I moved the speakers toe-in 1/4" more in and seemed to have found the spot. My speakers are now aimed about 16" from each ear. I use classical because it is recorded with 2 microphones, mimicking sitting in the best position during a live concert . . I see that toe-in is a large part of speaker conversation , no right answer because I think that different music and music that has been recorded at different times and analog vs. digital recording means that there will always be compromise in finding the sweet spot. but knowing that 1/4" movement can make a large difference makes experimenting easy and free and rewarding. I agree with you about the looks of the 2.7s ,they are gorgeous the 3.7s kinda look like a skinny r2d2. Warren ans any other Rush fan out there I went to my local record store The House of Records ( it actually was a house ) looking for a 2112 album and or Gold cd and found Feedback, Wow fantastic covers by them from 2004, they didn't have the others . Friday and it's raining, good listening weather. Rob |
Prof I glad to hear you Hugged your Thiels after cheating in them by listening to the Paradigms. Have you been able dial in the 2.7's yet ? Stevecham Yes I live in Eugene, moved here from Chicago 12 years ago where I frequented Reckless Records on N. Broadway . Where's the other Finest record store ? I see that you have CS6's , I looked and they are beautiful . Where in S OR do you reside ? I am just exploring Rush because Saffron_boots ( Warren ) said he used one of their songs to evaluate speakers, since I didn't have any Rush It got me motivated to explore and expand my Rock collection which basically stops about the time when ELP came out with Works and Pink Floyd with Animals . I saw then both at Soldiers Field Chicago . |
zkga Yes do contact Rob at Thiel , you have 2 options , look at images on Goggle , one is the spike used on the 3.7 and 2.4se the other is the standard spike, if you are going thru carpet I recommend the ones used on the 3.7s . I purchased these and used the locking nut from my original standard spikes on my 2.7s. If you don't have locking nuts ask him about that . Bill 10907 I too use Cardas thru-out, I have the Neutral Reference interconnects and speaker cables and am very pleased with the sound, You might want to try the Cardas Hex-link speaker cables you might also try room treatment first. Rob |
@beetlmania I'm glad that you like what your hearing , more open , clear and dimensional is similar to what TT heard when he tried it , page 155 . Does your preamp have a left / right channel and mono option ? If this does end up sounding better to you then it would be a great upgrade because it was free and easy . |
@beetlemania @tomthiel I was thinking of a way to test the different connections at the same time, but is sounds like you used a simular method when building your crossovers . But the more I think about it listening in mono might have limited value since much of difference or improvement is in the soundstageing, dimensionality and clarity . Tom , I apologize I misunderstood , You and beetle are in a unique situation having 2 sets of the same cable , bi-wired speakers or not the separation of the pos/neg in the same cable I believe is an improvement in sound quality . Rob |
@unsound Think of consumers having 2 cables going to thier speakers , imagine manufactures trying to sell you 2 cables per speaker , let alone the increase in cost . My freind came over with Shunyata Balck Momba speaker cables , 2 per speaker and only 16awg , they had a very thick outer shield making them almost imposible to bend , BUT what a sound improvement . Was it the shielding or the separation ? I couldn't afford to upgrade and buying another set of the same cables was still more expensive than making my own cables . So using a single run of Cardas 9.5 chassis wire for each polarity was the an affordable option . I heard an improvement and passed it on as something for others to try. As for shielding ? When I opened my speakers and found the wiring inside to be side by side like lamp cord I seperated them and heard an improvement. I'm still waiting to hear from Rob G on why my or all 2.7s have this wiring instead of the straight wire that was standard in all other Thiels . |
Unsound and fellow Thiel owners Since you've read all the posts your probably dizzy from all the different subjects owners have brought up and don't remember all the recommendations and opinions , but since you asked about Cowboy Junkies Whites Off Earth Now & Trinity Sessions David Crosby If I Could Only Remember My Name Chicago C.T.A Jimi Hendrix Electric LadyLand Duke Ellington HiFi Ellington Uptown Rob |
65 While I've been into vinyl for 40 years , cassettes before that , I've only been " at it " seriously for the last 10 . Learned a lot from a friend nkonor but never really applied it until recently , the kids are grown ( still costing me with education expenses ) and I have reached an income level that I can spend on my hobby. Wish I started a few years earlier , vinyl has gone up in price, but at the same time equipment has improved by leaps and bounds. For Black Friday I purchased acoustic panels from Acoustimac to replace my homemade piecemeal setup , waiting for delivery ! |
@tomthiel Sir , you are going way beyond anything I would have imagined , I never expected to have created this much curiosity , let alone you taking time to actually set up tests that can be measured . Straight wire's original configuration balances the yin and yan ( just as every manufacture tries to with their different designs ) within one cable as you measured in configuration A and when they are used in your C configuration maybe that balance is lost ? Maybe a similar measurement might happen if you taped the 2 cables together in configuration A ? While I'm retired from over 30 years in repairing medical equipment where a resistor is just a resistor and a capacitor is just a capacitor this " Audiophile " world has a lot of VooDoo magic , I'm having more fun than I imagined or can measure , ha ha . |