Vandersteen Treo CT vs Mag 3.7i speakers

I've listened to both at my local dealer.  I have sufficient space for either one in my living room (16x21).  If you have some ideas/a clear opinion on which one to purchase I would very much appreciate hearing from you..thanks.
Since you’re asking for clear opinions, I think the Vandersteen is a much more versatile option. Plus, it seems to me that Maggie advocates present their love with conditions - they need a certain stand, the caps / crosssovers should be tweaked, they need a fast subwoofer, they need a lot of power, etc. Just my opinion. 
IMHO, both are great choices, and ultimately it will just come down to personal preference.
How far out from the front wall can you place the Maggies?  I have the 3.7i's, and my brother owns the Treos (non CT).  If you can't get the Maggies at least 5 feet from the front wall, I'd go with the Vandersteens. Also, what type of music do you listen to? The Maggies are not ideal for rock. Integrating subs is also very difficult.
Rock was one of the reasons I got rid of the Maggies quickly years ago.  I hear them a lot at friends houses etc... and I still like a lot of rock also.  Vocals they are cool, but yea, the Vandersteen's really are versatile