Thiel CS2

I just recieved a pair of Thiel CS2 speakers for a VERY good price and was looking for information, opinions, and comments on these speakers as I am not familiar with Thiel at all. Anyone with experience that would like to share would be appreciated. 

Watch eBay- audionoobie

the CS 2.4 shows up there on a regular basis for very good prices.

Happy Listening!

I had to remove them, Jafant, for construction of the listening room. However, I was quite impressed with them,especially for the age, and they have me hankering to try a better model. I have the monitor and sub set up going now, wich is why I asked if they make a monitor, but am open to floor standers to swap out on occcasion. any recomendations? These will most likely go in a second (downstair) system. The WAF isn't there for the living room. (1980's) : )

Hello I have a question for Teil owners that may be monitoring this old thread. I recently came into possession of a set of Teil CS3a's along with Conrad Johnson amplifiers. So far I'm pleased with the sound, but in the mix of equipment I brought home was a small black box marked 'Teil Bass Equalizer' Does anyone have any experience with this gizmo or know exactly what it's supposed to do? I hook it up and I can't tell if it does anything.  

@sjbellers, the "Thiel Bass Equalizer" is intended to compensate for the natural bass roll off of the speaker enclosure by boosting the those frequencies affected by such roll off via equalized amplification to restore the bass extension that would otherwise be there. If you are not appreciating a difference there is a good chance that this old device, due to age might need some restoration. The difference with and without is not insignificant. You might be able to send your unit to:

Coherent Source Service – Specializing in repair and restoration of THIEL Loudspeakers

for restoration. FYI, there is promising rumor of upgraded new units that might be available in the future.