My new Idler - but is it an idler ?

Some time after my rediscovery of vinyl, I started toying with the idea of building a turntable. At the time I owned an idler (Dual 1219) and a DD (Technics SL-QL1). For me, the Dual was a small revelation (although there was The Rumble) and started me on an If... path.

Put it simply, what about designing an idler with modern materials, technologies and principles ?

Almost 3 years later - and 2 prototypes - I think I might be getting somewhere. I leave some picts and details for your "viewing pleasure".

  • Plint made from steel reinforced concrete containing all locating points
  • Subframe from Aluminium / Acrylate sandwich
  • Inverted bearing design with twin ceramic spheres as the thrust surfaces
  • Aluminium Platter with an inner acrilic ring and underside rubber matting for damping control
  • Epyciclic drive - the motor pulley directly drives the inner rim of the platter, so no real idler drive…
  • BLDC motor with electronic control and speed switching
  • Armboard made from an aluminium / corian sandwich

Externally, I used black Alcantara for finishing (no nasty fingerprints), with the sideboards made blackened mahogany. Later, (after loosing 2 stylus to an excited child…) I added a darkened acrylic cover with a tilt/slide opening.

Overall, the main drivers for the design have been speed stability, low background noise and resonance control - hence the several “sandwiches”. Speed stability is where I think some progress is still needed, but I have an upgrade coming along.

Kudos to you for the effort, but one could say that there ARE commercially made "modern" idler drive turntables, if you count all those add-on rim-drive systems.  I guess TT Weights and Trans-fi made or make "from scratch" rim drives, as well.  Granted, rim-drive is not quite like classic idler-drive.
You're right, but I meant "integrated" drive systems, not add-ons.

I didn't know the Trans-fi and it's interesting. But I wonder if the drive ratio from motor to platter (very small pulley) very akin to a belt-drive, doesn't make its playing signature closer to a belt-drive, than an idler.

Yes, I agree that the larger the diameter of the idler wheel, the better.  The set-up of the Trans-fi would seem to dictate that energy from the motor can enter into the plinth, but Vic is a very smart engineer. I trust he knows more than I do about the issues.
If your Dual 1219 had any audible rumble then it needed a tune up, most likely a new idler tire. My Dual 1229 (same table with a strobe), is completely silent. Quieter the. My 301 or 927.

I appalled your DIY approach. We should all do more of this.  Be sure to let us know the final result.