Is Jim Smith's Book"Get Better Sound"Best Book ?

Recently, I sent for a copy of Jim Smith's book " Get Better Sound" @48.50 delivered. Since I started reading Jim's viewpoint I have made significant improvements to my listening room. What about you ? For those that have read the book , please express your viewpoint pro or con.
I read Jim's book and had great results. While I knew a few of these ideas he wrote in his book, there were plenty for me to learn.

Thanks for the post. I was not aware of the book, but now have a copy on the way and am looking forward to receiving same.

IMO, the listening room is by far the most important component of any audio system. I am always interested in any tools, techniques, and so fourth that might help.
I bought a copy because I have under construction a dedicated room. It has been helpful to me because it addresses set-up and room treatment issues, I had read a lot about how to design wall structures and select optimum room dimensions but not the stuff Jim covers. I expect his detailed instructions on speaker/listner location to be very helpful.

I like his use of TIPS, it makes re look up of subject matter pretty easy.

BTW, if you have a question about one of Jim's TIPS, he has very kind and answered my several queries promptly and with detail.

A good read I think.
I purchased Jim's book last Nov. I took my time reading it so some of his most important points could sink in. I created the grid and made all the proper measurments. I learned that there is no possible way to set my system up properly. I also learned that I made some poor purchasing decisions. Set up issues include the WAF, room layout, room construction, and not being able to properly locate components. Reading his book did answer a lot of other questions.
We all crave our "fix" for better sound. You just can't get enough of it. Jims book will help you to achieve the ultimate aural high that we all seek. The book saved me from throwing some serious money at an issue that only required a simple furniture change. His tips on what needs to be voiced by ear, instead of meter, was of monumental importance to me. I have to ask, are all those folks sliding copper pipe unions over their CD players AC EIC plugs actually experiencing one of Jims recommendations when they remove the plug? Its difficult to but a price on experience and that is what Jims is selling. Most of us will waste more money than what Jim is asking for his book on source material that we will only listen to once. His book may be the best audio bargain of all time!