Linn LP12......That good??

I have an Ariston RD80 (very good) and a Thorens TD 160, also very good.
How good are the Linn Lp12 tt's??
I am always looking for the best most impressive sound.
I will have to sell the Ariston/Thorens if i buy the Linn because i will not need 3 turntables!
The Ariston almost looks like the Linn by the way.
So how great are the Linn's and what is the best combination to buy?
DaveyF.....wrong.....I had the Linn dealer's setup instruction manual, and watched the dealer do it many times before I got personally involved.   I knew what I was was just a constant attention task. 
stringreen, wrong....the fact that you had to constantly attend to the table tells me that you had it set up wrong...plain and simple! Sorry, but you clearly did not know what you were doing...which is ok, as I and most others don’t either when it comes to LP12 set up.
I have owned LP12’s for more than thirty years...none, none needed to be constantly set up--why, because I always had a pro LP12 tech set them up for me ( and I still do) and this results in the table being totally stable in this regard. The fact that LP12’s constantly float out of adjustment is a myth propagated by those who have never had a properly set up example. Too bad as they have no idea as to what they are missing, IMHO.
The Linn is great and I was a VPI dealer before I got sick. I had it modified with gear from ? My memory is shot. Will try to post it!
Analogue Innovations. They are great at a reasonable price. Also the Hercules PS
I had an LP12 for about 20 years. It went through various upgrades: an Ekos I, Naim ARO, then back to an Ekos II, cirkus bearing, Naim Armageddon power supply. At the end I did the full Linn upgrade route - Keel, Ekos SE, Radikal ... and it sounded terrible. It was coloured, dull sounding and had poor speed stability. The best version was the earliest - and cheapest one. It was very musical but my expectations were low. But after spending around $20k on upgrades, my expectations were high and it did not meet them. And, yes, it was set up by a very experienced and highly regarded Linn technician.

Now I have Kuzma turntables - a Kuzma Stabi S and Stabi Reference. These sound amazing. Even the cheaper Stabi S is better than the full spec LP12 at a fraction of the price. They are well designed and have solid engineering behind them. And they do not need a technician trained in the mystical arts of Linn set-up to wave his magic wand at it every few years. I can set them up myself in minutes.

Thirty years ago the LP12 was a decent mid-price deck that had its strengths and weaknesses. Today it is just not competitive.