I guess I have to sell my Tekton Enzos

because Eric said the DI's slaughter the Enzos. Better yes. Slaughter, I doubt it. If they slaughter the Enzos they probably slaughter the Enzo 2.7's as well. I'm sure Eric will put out some spin saying how much better the 2.7's are. What a load of crap. I can just imagine Dave Wilson saying the Sashas slaughter the WP8's or Harry Weisfeld saying the VPI Prime slaughters the Traveler. Marketing 101: Don't diss your own products. What Eric said about the Enzo is a slap in the face to every Enzo owner out there. I'm sure the DI's are better, but not in every situation. I'm very happy with my Enzos and very disappointed with Eric Alexander. He should know better. End of rant.
Slaughter is a pretty strong word,and if I was a Manufacturer I don't think I would ever use words like that.If I felt like I designed a better product than my previous one I would simply give the reasoning why.

I haven't heard or even seen any of the Enzo speakers but I did listen to the Pendragons a few yrs ago and wasn't that impressed.

I do like my DI's they are a completely different design though.

My favorite designer of all time going back to the first Amp of his which was the Threshold 400a and That Offcourse would be the one and only Nelson Pass.He has always had a certain humbleness that I think other Manufacturers could learn from. IMO.

I disregard any comment about slaughter/kills/blows away.
Any low level sales pitch like that eliminates any comment from any audiophile/reviewer/manufacturer in my opinion.

It smacks of lack of experience. Junior High School locker room talk.

I totally ignore anything anyone has to say after they throw out an asinine comment like that. They have zero credibility in my book.

You are correct, you would never hear a legitimate manufacturer making that comment about any of their products.
I said the original Enzo. The Enzo 2.7 is another animal entirety. This new speaker sounds fantastic and it's small. There is a need in my lineup for a small floorstander, and I do not see the the DI cannibalizing the Enzo 2.7. They are not similar to each other and one is more than twice as small.

There is 'no replacement for displacement' and in that spirit the DI is simply more of a really good thing when compared to the Enzo 2.7. 

Eric Alexander - audio designer

"Anyway, the Enzo was created years ago and has ABSOLUTELY ZERO to do with the Double Impact of today so everyone can rest easy. The DI’s absolutely slaughter the original Enzo! I created the original Enzo for one reason only... a viable alternative to the B&W 804. Nothing more... nothing less."

That quote was taken from the AudioGon DI thread. It's bad enough when competitors and internet trolls slam your product, but when the manufacturer does it I find that unacceptable.

Mcgrogan... respectfully, a personal ad hominem attack unleased at me isn't juvenile and irresponsible "Junior High School locker room talk" now is it? 

Eric Alexander - audio designer