Best integrated for PSB Imagine T2's

I have an NAD C390DD all digital integrated amplifier. I am considering a big improvement in a DAC, as in a PS Audio Perfectwave DAC. This along with my Project Xtension 10 turntable/musical surroundings nova phenomena phono preamp, would give me quality analog signal inputs from all my sources. Considering an upgrade to an integrated that could better process analog to my PSB Imagine T2 speakers with a big improvement in SQ, any thoughts on an endgame amp for around 5 to 6,000?
there is a Pass and a Gato, both under $4000 available now, both are awesome...
I'll also mention Gryphon Atilla used though it's almost impossible to find. Gryphon now has two new integrateds - Diablo 120 and Diablo 300. Many say that there is no better transistor integrated amp than Diablo 300 and there never has been. This would be my theoretical choice for myself. As for tubes, it's more complicated, Octave, VAC, Manley could all work very well. There are other German tube amps that are worth considering as well. I would probably try Octave first.
Thanks for the feedback. By "streamer" I meant an amp that has a decent Android control app for streaming Tidal, which is a "must". I also should have mentioned that I'm looking for a solid state amp. Any other suggestions are appreciated.
I am thinking that a good primaluna tube might be good for my analog signals from a dedicated dac (for streamer and cd transport) as well as xtension 10 turntable....matted to my PSB Imagine T2 speakers...anybody have any thoughts on going the tube route with my configuration?

I have the T2s and have played around with SS and tube integrateds.  I can't write much right now but I'll follow up tonight.