Audible Illusions Modulus PreAmp>Best Amplifier Match Ever!

For those who either had or still have an Audible Illusions Modulus 3A/3B pre-amp, what is/was the best solid state amplifier ever mated with the Modulus sonically; is there a "killer combination" that delivers/delivered that "goose-bump", audiophile experience?
With a somewhat high output impedance, it might behoove those that plan to match the AI with ss amps to be mindful of the low input impedances of some ss amps.
Solid state amps that I have used and really liked with my Audible Illusions Modulas 3A and 3B preamps are a pair of B&K M140 amps, Conrad Johnson 2250A amp (should of kept this amp) and a Pass Labs XA30.5 which I did keep.
Mine is mated to a Pass Labs X250.  Amazing sound and detail.  No need to look further IMHO.
I’ve had Modulus 3A since 1995 and used with a pair of McIntosh MC 30s, a VTL ST85, a McCormak DNA 1, and a bi-amped pair of McCormack DNA 1s.  Each combo worked well, although sound with MC 30s was soft.  But the combo with the McCormak DNA 1 either solo or bi-amped pair is superb; rich, impactful and detailed.