Any Vandersteen 7 Owners in SFO Bay Area ?


There is no dealer in San Francisco Bay Area who carries Vandersteen 7.  I want to listen to them before i consider and upgrade and wondering if there is anyone in my area who can help me.  I own 5A Carbons and thinking of upgrading. 
Veerapon...I suspect the price of admission may only bring "marginal" improvement.  I have 5A's and heard the 5A Carbons and thought that very thing. One has to define "marginal" in their own terms.
ctsooner....I'm using Ayre,...tried many conditioners, all of them change the sound but include warts..   Not for me.
Great discussion. I'm considering trading my Dali helicon 400 MKII for Vandy Treo CT. my thought was since I have two JL Audio fathom 110s and the CR-1 crossover, I would get great balanced bass without having to go to the Quattro or 5AC with built in active subs. Is that thinking correct? 
You should be able to get very close.  I just got the Quatros and have had them in my system for a little over a week.  I am coming from stand mounted monitors with a single REL sub.  I was curious to hear the difference in the bass between the two built in subs vs the the single REL  Comparing the two I find that interestingly enough the REL got it right most of the time and in some cases may have gone a little deeper than the Quatro. That probably has to do with the 10" woofer in the REL vs the two 8" woofers in the Quatro.  The biggest advantage to the Quatro is being able to fine tune the bass to the room.  While there is probably more versatility with 11 band equalizer on the Quatro to tune the bass, the two separate subs will give you more versatility with regards to placement.  If you were starting from scratch I would recommend the Quatro over the Treo but since you already have two high quality subs I suspect that will be a great combination.
I agree with Randy.  Also, if you go with the Vandersteen's over the Dali, I think you will be VERY happy!  If you can get the Quatro's, get the.  THEN use the other two subs to have an arrayed set up. I spoke with Richard about this and he agrees, but it's not realistic for most folks.  You'd then have 4 subs and if set up properly, you'd get the best of all worlds and would approach the 5's in performance.  You won't have the carbon midrange that is magic and makes the real difference, but you'd be really close and that bass would be approaching the bass of a 50k system.  

Bob, no was going to go to AC on Friday, but didn't make it.  Johnny was out on install.  I will be keeping my internal bi wire run of Castle Rock per Richard.  In the future, if I want to re terminate them and get a second matching 8' pair, I'll do that.  It makes a difference, but I am bound by money and need to still set up my digital system as  you know.