Integrated amp upgrade

I'm using a Classé Audio CAP-151 to drive my Thiel CS 3.7s at the moment.
I'm not sure if i should upgrade, anyway if i do so i'm looking for a used integrated amp in the $2K to $3K price range with balanced inputs.
I've seen a Sugden IA4 for $3K and a Musical Fidelity KW 550 for $2,4K but it's not balanced.
If i upgrade it would have to be really worth it otherwise i'd rather keep my CAP-151.
I have someone who would like to buy my CAP-151 for $1,6K.

I will second the Hegel H 200 recommendation. I am very pleased with it. Good luck.

Ill second the modwright kwi 200...its one of the two I would get used...dans local so I went with his piece.

Hegel or the modwright...both have some umph

Thanks mfm22 but Rogue Audio is not imported in my country.
Looks like a nice unit though.
I think the best choice for a nice reasonable upgrade is the Hegel H360 but for that i would have to sale my Classe and my Hegel HD12.
I auditioned the H360 last november and found it very refined and organic.
Probably one of the best integrated in this price range with a DAC that's at the same level as the HD12.